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I'm Expecting Too!

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Just noticed Lesley has eggs in the incubator - I have my first lot in too. I have 24 in at the moment but I candled last night (day 7) and have 6 or 7 that are clear. I didn't have the confidence to bin the clears last night but will candle again in about 4 days and if its still the same, get rid of them then.

I have a mixture of Cream Legbars, Welbars and Speckled Sussex and can't wait for hatch day - its all very exciting. Good luck with yours Lesley!

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Great news Fee :D


Don't discard the clears yet - ask Louise about when we candled our fist lot of eggs :lol:


The signs were all there at the next candling after initially thinking they weren't fertile.


The Marans eggs I have set are so dark brown, they will be difficulkt to candle :?

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No chance of real babies here (unfortunately) so I'll need to make do with my little chicks!

Liz, I was going to buy a huge plastic storage box I saw in Ikea for a brooder but I've since bought a new set of pots that came in a big, sturdy cardboard box, so i think that'll do - for the first couple of weeks at least.

This week has seen big changes for the 'big' girls - they have moved out of the eglu and into a wooden house (built on the platform wher the eglu used to sit) They now have 2 nest boxes, which should hopefully stop Skye from climbing on top of whoever is in the nest, when she keeps her legs crossed 'till the last minute!

The eglu is scrubbed and will be in the 'growers' run, adjacent to the big run. I'll keep the roosting bars out for the first 12 weeks, and once they're big enough the new girls that I'm keeping will be in with the big girls.

The girls and boys that I'm not keeping have homes waiting - I'm very lucky to have 2 peple that will take the boys.

...and thats that, all sounds very simple in theory!

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Fee - you'll need to use something to round of any corners in the box -we used a roll of corrugated cardboard. They can crush each other in corners.


The chicks will manage the roosting bars after about 6-8 weeks - we put them flat in the brooder, on top of the Aubiose, for them to practise on onece they reached 4 weeks.

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Thanks for the advise Lesley - I had read about them cramming into corners but wasn't sure if it was a common thing - I'll sort that out.

I took the bull by the horns tonight and binned 6 clears and 2 with blood rings - it was amazing how one of the rings had developed since I saw the start of it a couple of days ago. Of course, being me, I had to open them all and have a look! Sure enough the clears had nothing in them but huge yolks and one of the blood ring ones had a tiny embryo - what a shame, didn't want to see the other one so just left it. So I'm left with 16 now - Cream Legbars, 2 Welbars and only 1 out of 6 Speckled Sussex.

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I candled again last night and 1 more had lost all its veins and developed a blood ring so took it out. The remainder are amazing - you can see the little feet kicking out and an eye if it brings its face close to the shell - some are really active.

It feels weird when I think I have 15 unborn babies in my utility room!

Its candling day for you today Lesley isn't it? - good luck and let us know how it goes.

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Clare, there are a few that are darker and I can only just see a bit of movement in them - I presume they are actually the stronger shells. The one Speckled Sussex I have left (out of 6) is very translucent and I can see a lot of detail in it. Its hard not to keep looking for ages but the shell gets really hot from the candler and I'm worried the egg starts cooking!

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Its getting exciting now! The incubator came off the turning cradle last night and I candled the 14 remaining eggs again - I could still see movement in most of them but a couple were very still and I'm not sure if they've died or just don't have much room left. I've increased the humidity to around 69% - some people say 65%, some say 75% so I thought I would aim for something in between! The brooder is ready, I've bought chick crumb so all I need to do now is check the camera!.....and maybe phone in sick to work!!

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