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Martin B


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Poor you Martin - shame you can't miss the maths exam too :roll::wink:


Re Paris, think of it like this - Paris will always be there and you can visit another time. It wouldn't be much fun being dragged around when you are in agony with a bad back....... Sort your back out first and then go and really enjoy Paris 8)

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Sorry to hear about your back Martin. Like someone else said, Paris isnt going anywhere so you can go when you are better.


Take it easy and no jumping around when Villa win,..............



not that you get to do that very often :lol::lol::lol::wink:


(sorry couldnt resist)....


get better soon!

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Hi Sheila, absolutely no improvement. I have consent from school to be off for a whole week but I have to go in for the GCSE Maths exam on Thursday. Unfortunately I am not going to be able to make it to Paris! :(

:( Oh, really sorry to hear that, Martin, I have been thinking of you. But, it's def. a wise decision to look after your back properly now rather than struggling about perhaps making it worse and not really enjoying yourself. It will pay off in the long run to sort out whatever's up with it now.

Then, as the others & your Mum has said, there'll be other times that you can do loads of things.

However, it must be a terrible disappointment, as well as painful, and I do send you my very best wishes for a good, speedy recovery, Martin. :) Hope Thurs exam goes well.

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Argh, thats horrible for you. Have you tried an ice pack on it? Get a bag of peas/veg out of the freezer, wrap it in a thin tea-towel and put it over the painful bit for 5 - 10 minutes, but absolutely no longer. Put ice pack back in the freezer, and then repeat an hour later. Try and do this twice a day. It really helps take down swelling, bring fresh blood to the area and aid the removal of toxins.


You should NEVER put heat patches or wheat bags etc on any new injury. It makes the swelling and bruising worse. always use ice, but never for more than 10 minutes. Heat is good for long term conditions such as arthritis.


If it is still painful now, I really reccomend you go and see a good osteopath, who can diagnose what is going on, and treat it quickly and effectively. Osteopathy is not all about bone crunching, and can be one of the gentlest forms of therapy about (cranial osteopathy).


See http://www.osteopathy.org.uk to find a local registered osteopath in your area! Anyone who calls themselves an osteopath should be registered by the Governing Body, General Osteopathic Council, who own the website.


Can you tell I am an Osteopath?! (an YES, I am on the site!)

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It does depend upon what part of the country you are in. Most places charge around the £30 mark for treatment, but each practice varies. Some may do concessions for younger people, you will have to ask them.


Re: cold therapy... yes, doctors do seem to give totally different advice. I tend to tell my patients to keep the area warm and out of any draughts, but ice therapy is important in the biginning of the problem to help settle it down. I had a very long list of evidence (from PubMed, a website that has a database of published medical studies on it) about the pros and cons of using ice therapy, and the general concensus was if used for less than 15 mins it was as beneficial at drawing blood to the area as heat, and obviously reduces inflammation (swelling) whereas heat will increase it, however, I killed the laptop that it was on, and thus now have a new one and not the info, sorry!!

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......If it is still painful now, I really reccomend you go and see a good osteopath, who can diagnose what is going on, and treat it quickly and effectively. Osteopathy is not all about bone crunching, and can be one of the gentlest forms of therapy about (cranial osteopathy)......


Just an observation from a distance, this may be an excellent route to follow, but I would suggest seeing the GP again first, as a follow up to your last visit, & say this is what you are thinking of doing, if you are.

We don't know if you have any other symptoms Martin, or if you or the GP have any idea what has brought this on.

Back pain is so common, but for a mutitude of reasons. I wouldn't rule out an assessment of possible causes (or do you know that you felt it strain or pull?) before embarking on treatment.

It may well be that osteopathy, or other treatment :wink: , could help a lot, but another checkup first would do no harm.


Thanks Geb0205 for the brilliant explanantion of cold treatment. Although OH giving daughter the frozen pea treatment to put on her kidneys (thinking she had pulled a muscle) was not a good idea for someone with a raging kidney infection! :roll::twisted:

We keep a pack specially for treatments, but I didn't know about the length of time or about those research findings, thanks! 8) ..and good luck with getting a purple eglu one day! :)


Best wishes to you & your Mum, Martin, I expect she feels worried about you.

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Hi Martin, I hope you are a bit better today.


When Devon got a bad back from carrying in every school book every day ,even if they were not needed (don't start me on that one again :twisted: ) we had our initial Doctors appointment which we followed up a week or so later.

At that stage he gave us a list of recommended Osteopaths.

Although we never did go down that route,we have used them before with really good results.


I agree with Sheila - see your Doc again & ask if an Osteopath would be beneficial to you :P

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Arrr...I was trying to think who had posted about the heavy rucksack, and I wondered if this could be the cause with Martin. (I know it isn't now Martin) What was the outcome of all that Sarah? Does Devon still have to lug all her books about everyday?



Martin - a trip to Paris with your family will be so much better than going with the school (- you'll get away with much more for a start :wink:)


You'd probably have had your feet walked off or be sat in a hot stuffy coach on a trip somewhere with school. At least with your family you can plan your own day and stop whenever and where-ever takes your fancy.


Yourt back has got to keep you going for a few many years yet. Best get it better first. Good luck with all the treatment, and make the most of the sympathy! :D

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Arrr...I was trying to think who had posted about the heavy rucksack, and I wondered if this could be the cause with Martin. (I know it isn't now Martin) What was the outcome of all that Sarah? Does Devon still have to lug all her books about everyday?




She does Gina,& it is still a nightmare.

In fact its worse now as she has big reams of coursework too :roll:

She now has a shoulder bag big enough for her essentials,PE kit or lunch (we do canteen on PE days to cut down the amount she carries)

Her books are in one of those 12 section plastic folders which is held togather with elastic......but it is so heavy still :roll:

It makes me mad,but I have given up on my fight to allow them just to take in daily books, as I was getting no where at all with it.

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Ugh - what a nightmare Sarah :( I know how heavy books and folders are as I lug them to and from work most weeks to mark them - and I only carry them to the carpark.


I had presumed it had been a happy ending for Devon as we hadn't heard anymore about it. Oh dear :evil: It seems a shame that something couldn't have been agreed between parents and the school.

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Back is still awful, and I'm finding it difficult to get up. If needed I can see the GP early on Monday morning.

I will ask about osteopathy and pysiopherapy and see what she thinks of that idea.


Thanks again for all your tremendous suport!


Martin x

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