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Martin B


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I've been suffering with a bad back for just under 2 weeks, so today I went to the doctors. I had been going to school as normal, and I've been told by the doctor that I can't go to school untill it's better!


I can't sit on sofas or beanbags.

I can't pick up things.

I can't sit down for more than 15 minutes at a time.

I have to do small walks every hour, and light stretching every 15 minutes!


The worst thing is, if I do not get better by next week I can't go on the school trip to Paris!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :cry: I'm really upset about that.


I'm really aching, and I just want to get it out!


Martin :cry::cry:

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Sorry to hear that Martin! The trip to Paris sounds wonderful BUT you only have one back and it is vital to look after it! I had the whole of Jan of with a bad back, first time ever i've had any problems and I know how painful it can be! You have to rest it, so do as the Doc says (although mine said keep moving :? )


Did they tell ypu to take ibuprofen to reduce the inflammation? Speak to your mum about it. It does help!


All the best

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Sorry to hear about your bad back Martin


Do as the doctor says and with any luck you may still be able to go on your trip


You are very young so you should recover quite quickly


Paris isn't all that anyway :wink:


Take it easy and we will see you at Jimmys farm at Easter

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I can't sit down for more than 15 minutes at a time.


Martin :cry::cry:


So you will be standing up to use the computer then? :lol:


Seriously Martin,I am so sorry about your back & that you are missing your school trip :cry:

But do try to do as the Doctor says or you may find you exasperate the problems.


And remember,Paris isn't going anywhere :wink:8)

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Well I fell off a horse about 10 years ago, I pulled a muscle in my back. The following morning it literally took me 40 mins to get out of bed. As I could not bend over, my mum had to pull my knickers up :shock::lol: Anyway I went to A&E, who said nothing they can do and to take ibuprofen :roll: However a good friend of mine suggested that I go and see a physiotherapist. She worked wonders and only in one session. I did not do it through my doctor but privately. Just a thought :wink:


I do hope you feel better soon :D

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Thanks everyone.


I am taking Ibruprofen, had one so far today with 2 paracetamols.


The doctor said that she may have to put me with a physiotherapist. Hopefully I can make a rapid recovery over the weekend! I went into school to see my french teacher and she has said she would try to do anything to make the journey better. My mum and I will go and see her on Monday if it is not better! :(


Thanks again.

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Oh Martin - back pain is awful. Make sure you do as your Doc has advised and I'm sure it will improve over the few days.


If you can't go on your trip, remember that Paris will always be there for a visit another time and it's better to be in your own home (and Country!) if you are poorly.


Maybe someone in Paris will buy an Eglu and we can have a get together over there :wink:

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Poor you... know just how you feel.


Here are some ideas to help a speedy recovery


1) Only sleep with one pillow as this helps your spine to align properly and this will help


2) You can get fab Thermacare back wraps from Boots for when it is really bad. Ralgex also do sticky pads which are cheaper but do the same job.


3) Bizarrely pelvic floor exercises help to strengthen the muscles which support the back ( I do these at the bus stop :oops: )


4) Chocolate - Not sure if it helps but hey who cares?!


Hope you feeling better soon

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Martin - hope your back gets better soon. I agree that those Thermacare wraps are good stuff (my OH has used them). I also agree that you should be doing gentle exercises to keep your back mobile - your doctor should be able to suggest the correct ones to do.




P.S. if all else fails - go for the chocolate option! :wink:

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Oh Martin im so sorry to hear you are in pain. Having had a bad back myself it really does restrict you! :evil:


I echo what has been said about the Therma Care Heat wraps - totally brilliant and well worth the cost - approx £5 for 2.


Heres hoping you make it to Paris and for a speedy recovery.

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4) Chocolate - Not sure if it helps but hey who cares?!


Hope you feeling better soon


Taken my dose for today and feeling better already! :wink:


Martin, if you can't get the heat wraps, try a hot water bottle or one of those wheat pillows popped into the microwave!

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