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Is this the new Mark 3 ?????????????????

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Not sure if it will crash though - look at any really good design (and let's face it the mk3 won't replace the mk2 will it?) and you'll see they hold their prices. I wanted a particular highchair for the boys so looked on ebay only to find that people are paying the same for them second hand as they can buy them for new! :shock: I reckon there will still be enough people out there wanting a first time hen house for the mk2 to retain it's value. (But I'm frequently known to be wrong!! :roll::wink: )

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I spoke to James earlier today. They are SO busy! :D


Details of the Eglu Cube will hopefully be on here by tomorrow morning.....

Watch this space folks! :D:D:D


But then, you can still ring if you like...... :wink: Maybe you'll get more out of them than I did!

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Talking about eglus holding their prices, I had been watching a rablu on ebay (as I wanted it for the chicks and Claret had said they were good for that!). Today the price had gone above £200 - why would I pay that when I can get a new one for £250. It amazes me what folk are willing to pay for them second-hand.

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I've just spoken to James - to order another eglu :roll: cos they're great for chicks! He said they're having probs putting the details on the site and he thinks it'll be nearer midnight.

More chicks, I'm getting so broody seeing them all :roll:

I'm going to break soon and OH will come home to a 2nd eglu and lots of fluffy chicks or snuggly warm eggs :D:oops:


I think there will still be a market for mark 2, not sure about the price drop as it is easier to add chickens to a new eglu rather than 1 big eglu.

Also new chicken owners will start with 2 chickens before they start clammering for more :oops:

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I can't see there being a price drop either. They are selling Mark 2 Eglus like hot cakes at the moment. I'm sure when the mark 3 is ready, it won't make any difference to the sales because the smaller Eglu is such a wonderful starter package. They're not going to want to drop the price when it's selling so well, are they, surely? If it were being phased out and replaced by the mark 3, maybe but it's not.

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