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Mega Egg!

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Must be the season for eggstraordinary egg production! Look what Florrie laid today! 94g - ouch! 8)



Here it is next to one of Bella's 43g ones:


And in the tray with the others:



(sorry to keep posting about eggs, but you are the only ones who understand!!)

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You have some lovely coloured eggs, look white (or v pale) blue and dark brown in addition to the normal ones 8)

I got a 102g one from Trinny yesterday (but she's still on antibiotics so can't eat it :(

Your egg is long and thin, very clever chicken :lol: the little ones are cute :D

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Thanks all. I'm a bit of an egg anorak, I weigh each one for my egg log (dare I say I even put the details into a spreadsheet and play around with the statistics and graphs? Just for fun of course :lol: ) It's amazing that 2 almost identical hens (the GNR s) lay completely different eggs. Florries are the normal beige colour, but Pom's are the deeper chestnut colour. Ah well, I obviously have too much time on my hands. :roll:8)

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Thanks all. I'm a bit of an egg anorak, I weigh each one for my egg log (dare I say I even put the details into a spreadsheet and play around with the statistics and graphs? Just for fun of course :lol: ) It's amazing that 2 almost identical hens (the GNR s) lay completely different eggs. Florries are the normal beige colour, but Pom's are the deeper chestnut colour. Ah well, I obviously have too much time on my hands. :roll:8)


I used to do that as well Snowy :D - I came across my file yesterday when clearing out and tidying up. We have too many now but I still make a mental note of who has laid as I collect the eggs.

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Gosh...am I falling down on my duties....I just jot down the number laid every day and leave it at that.


We do have some whoppers from time to time, but my scales are not really accurate...should I dash out and buy some especially.


Massive guilt trip descending! :shock::(

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Wow, Snowy it's a whopper!


We had a 94g egg that we thought would be a double yolker.....but it was just a MASSIVE single egg! :shock: I have never seen such a big yolk! It almost filled a 5 inch frying pan that we usually use for two eggs!

Trinny's big eggs are always single-yolked but I think just have a lot of white :?

I have the eggxact scales, they convert grammes/ounces and good for weighing eggs, is a kitchen timer and calculates your hard/medium/soft boiled egg from fridge/room temperature by weight, but not for poor Trinny's oversize eggs (any over about 70-80g) which come up as "error" :roll:

They're not so good for weighing flour etc. in big bowls.


P.S. I understand the egg obsession. I emailed, texted OH about Abbie's first egg, posted on forum, on my blog, and just get a polite smile from everyone I tell :oops::roll:

I only weigh particularly small or big eggs now, but have been following Abbie's increase from 53g up to 58g. :oops:

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All my girls have their eggs weighed and the details stored on their own calendar :roll::roll:


note to self...........must get a life :wink:


We have LSB or BSL or SLB codes on our calendar to denote who has laid too


Laverne, Shirley or Babs!!!



(Also have our frst 2 eggs as a wallpaper on my mobile)

clearly need to get out more too

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