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ouch ouch ouch!! Lots of sympathy for you, hope your not feeling too rough. Stick an ice pack (wrapped up in a thin towel) on the bruises to draw them, and plenty of arnica!! If your not feeling right on monday go and get checked out (after work!)


Osteopathy is good for neck pain...

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I have to go to Bristol on Monday to provide training on dangerous animals..........!

:?::? I'm intreged, are you a tiger trainer in your spare time or is it just the dangers of horses,:oops: or being pecked by an over enthusiastic chicken? :wink:



Get well soon. Hope it's not put you off riding. Hope Molly apologised :roll:

Maybe you do need to see a professional (e.g. barman :wink: wine retailer) about your injuries ! :wink:

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I like your style chocchick :D


I wont say what I do. It is such a dull profession that you will fall asleep, potentially injure yourself and sue me..............


I do feel much better, but my lower back is still really really sore - so ibrofen with ice cream (see, food!) covered in Baileys. = thanks for the tip Christian :wink:


I just need to pluck up the courage to get back on the horse next Thursday........

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Ouch Mel, hope your feeling better soon. So far I've managed to wrap myself round the horses neck when I've fallen so it slows the descent down a bit. Mind you my instructor says your not a true rider till you fall off at least 9 times. I say it depends on how daft a horse you ride :lol: Problem is they're all pretty daft :lol::lol:

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Ouch Mel, hope your feeling better soon. So far I've managed to wrap myself round the horses neck when I've fallen so it slows the descent down a bit. Mind you my instructor says your not a true rider till you fall off at least 9 times. I say it depends on how daft a horse you ride :lol: Problem is they're all pretty daft :lol::lol:




only another 8 times to go then :roll:

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Mind you my instructor says your not a true rider till you fall off at least 9 times.

I remember someone telling me that once - can't remember how many times it was, but I lost count after 50. Mind you, most of those were racked up when I bought my first horse but couldn't afford a saddle for the first 3 months. He had aspirations towards the land speed record and the only way I could stop him was to aim at something solid then fall off whilst still hanging on to the reins :roll: Still wouldn't class myself as a true rider though! :lol::lol:

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Mind you my instructor says your not a true rider till you fall off at least 9 times.

I remember someone telling me that once - can't remember how many times it was, but I lost count after 50. Mind you, most of those were racked up when I bought my first horse but couldn't afford a saddle for the first 3 months. He had aspirations towards the land speed record and the only way I could stop him was to aim at something solid then fall off whilst still hanging on to the reins :roll: Still wouldn't class myself as a true rider though! :lol::lol:


Sounds like you are a true rider to me Snowy :wink: I have started riding again after a 10 year break. I am a long way off from jumping. So much to learn :roll:

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Hope you are enjoying it Paola! I did start having lessons a few years back - was horrified to realise just how poor my riding actually was :roll: Being able to hang on whatever and being able to ride 'properly' are two very different things! When I was young I was horse crazy and couldn't afford lessons, so I taught myself from reading books and throwing myself onto anything that would stand still long enough for me to get on! No wonder I have a lack of brain cells these days! :lol:

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OH Mel I have only just caught up with the thread as not been on for ages


Certainly sounds like you had a nasty bump and really hope that you're feeling better, that alcohol aversion thing was getting me all worried, and I mean REALLY worried!


Shame I didn't catch up earlier, I could have taken you to a hospitality establishment (aka the pub) when you were in Bristol last week :roll:


I have never ever got on a horse and doubt I ever will, the pain thing puts me off and fear of falling off scares me silly - how can I be scared of falling off when I have never got ON a horse! :think:


Take care of yourself, lots of G&B to feel better and the ice-cream is full of calcium, build up good strong bones!




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