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aubiose and hemcore

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I get hemcore from my local farm supplies. It is great stuff! :D It takes away the smell and dries up droppings.


I put it in their run (instead of bark chippings) and droppings tray, and it means cleaning them out is much easier too.


I have to order my hemcore from the farm supplies, but it usually comes quite quickly. I think there are wesites you can order from, but delivery is quite expensive.


Hope this is helpful.

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check out www.hemcore.co.uk and click for you local supplier.


We could not manage without hemcore/aubiose in the run. the poos and wet just disappears.


With regards to poo around the garden, we are lucky to have a lot of decking and pebbles etc and a small patch of grass so we hosepipe down very frequently.


Hi - can I just ask what is underneath your run. Is it situated on grass or something else? Mine are currently on small piece of grass but if I put hemcore/aubiose in the run, surely this would then just be all over the grass as opposed to disappearing as you say? Also presumably you can only clean out the run area when the chickens are free ranging? Bit new at all this so just trying to find methods that work? thanks.

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We have eglu placed on grass (the grass has worn away now)...we then put hemcore/aubiose in the run. We then have bark chips outside the run surrounding the eglu and vicinity (for us to walk on) and then we have logroll around the bark chips to keep it all neat and tidy and we have some stepping stones in the bark for us to walk on/make it look pretty :lol:


We do clean the girls when they are freeranging. We clean eglu everyweek (complete dismantle and powerwash) and we take off the top layer of hemcore/aubiose and replace with a fresh top layer.


Once a month we take out ALL the hemcore/aubiose in the run and replace with all brand new.


The bales are very compacted and a bale seems to last for ages. :)

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our eglu and run were placed on grass.

The grass lasted about two days :roll:


we put a little aubiose in the poop tray. it means we can easily empty it between proper cleans.


we also put an inch or so in the run. This stops the area turning to smelly mud whenever it rains, it minimises the amount of flies and there is no smell.

we find that a bit gets out between the mesh the first day but after that it is quickly trodden in. Every now and then we rake it out and replace. Aubiose composts beautifully.


we've not seen a single fly in the run yet this year. Of course, in high summer there will be a few, but nowhere near as many as before we used the aubiose.


we get ours from a local saddlery (is that the right word?) and we live in London! it costs eight quid a bale and that lasts us several months.

I would really suggest giving it a try if you can.....we wouldn't be without it now. :D

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I use Aubiose or Hemcore in the poo tray, nest, run and bunny Rablu; it's fab and never smells. The chooks run is on compacted earth, I clean this out every 6 weeks or so, put the waste straight on the compost or garden, lime the earth underneath with GARDEN lime and put more aubiose down. If there are lots of lfies, I drip some citronella oil and eucalyptus oil onto some kitchen paper and insert it between the run and the shade - it keeps flies away very well.

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ooooh! good tip Claret...gonna try that one!


and yes Susan, frogpool manor in chislehurst :D

they always have it in stock, though not on the shelves.

you simply go straight to the counter and pay, then walk round to the side door where the bloke brings out the bale.


small world eh?

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I can't believe I got excited going to the local farm supply shop, Gibson's Kingsley Cheshire, to buy a bag of aubiose. I got a big bale for £8 and whipped it straight home.

It wasn't til I got home that I realised I wasn't sure what I was going to do with it!


In the end it went in the droppings tray and the nesting box instead of the old bank statements.


I still don't kn ow how to pronounce aubiose though :wink::?



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been a bit busy, so haven't had a chance to post or to get to frogpool to buy some aubiose! bassett, your chickens have very cool names, I'm guessing there are some Night Garden fans in your house? If I had 10 chickens I would make life easy and just call them the PontyPines.... :wink:

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Thanks Christian,

Have you thought of teaching foriegn languages, that was very descriptive!




Funny you should say that, Annie and I were discussing a teaching career the other day!


Annie, don't tempt me! You know i would love the paddock behind the house! More hens and some pigs! Maybe a polytunnel or two................One day maybe :wink:

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Hi Sarah!


Generally speaking the grass will be wreaked within a few days, so most people make their run permanent and fill it with aubiose/hemcore which needs replacing every now and then.




This is how the run looked when I first got the girls, but now the whole area is barked with aubiose in the run.

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