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One of those days

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Glad it's not just me Maria! :lol:

Really need to get off the computer and take the kids to the park before they wreck the house! :roll::oops::wink:


Ditto :oops: Thankfully the eldest two are happy to watch the Magic Roundabout DVD. Youngest has just woken from his nap :roll:

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girls just appeared with home made lavalamps they have made in the kitchen!!!!! god knows what they are up to now but alka seltzer and vinegar seem to be involved. science kit from christmas seems to everywhere and charlotte (2) is mixing... :roll:

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girls just appeared with home made lavalamps they have made in the kitchen!!!!! god knows what they are up to now but alka seltzer and vinegar seem to be involved. science kit from christmas seems to everywhere and charlotte (2) is mixing... :roll:


:shock: That would be enough to give OH a nervous breakdown :roll::lol::lol:

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Padley Gorge is in Derbyshire between Sheffield and Grindleford.


Fantastic for children to paddle and build dams etc.


The world and his wife are there at the w/e and during school hols ...but if you go at other times it is a lovely walk.


Millhouses Park is in Sheffield (I live less than 5 mins away) and is a pleasant park with a superb cafe....again heaving at the w/e etc.


Padley Gorge









Padley Chapel is famous locally as it commemorates two of the English Martyrs, Nicholas Garlic and Robert Ludlam who were two priests caught in a hideyhole during the Reformation and were hanged drawn and quartered. There is a lovely walk to the chapel.

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I've had two days of vegging around (mainly because I've been a bit poorly) and today my plan was to get up early and get organised. House is a disaster and I really need to get motivated.


I'm still sat here reading the forum and it's past 10am now. There's just no hope is there. :roll:


Will have some breakfast, dive in the shower and I might ask Kate if I can borrow her superpants. That should do the trick :wink:

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I'm with most of you on the being knackered of late. Working all week with a heavy cold (no not Man Flu :wink:) - had a course last week that sent me to Heathrow's runway (well the hotel was at the end of it!) and into Uxbridge and then back home and back to work.


Thankfully, my rota has been changed as I now have to work every other weekend so I get a day off in the week - and today is my first mid week day off in ages.


Gina, I had loads of plans to get so many things done but was ruthless with myself to get up when Joe was getting ready for work, and shower and dress then else I'd still be loafing around in my dressing gown :roll:


So! must go to the garden centre for more plants and wood chippings for the garden, sort the caravan out for the weekend, walk the dog, meet for coffee with a mate and drop the cleaners money off and washing and ironing to do......oh and one other thing.........now what was it.........


Oh yes, I know, measure up for the Cube!!






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My list of jobs to do is sooooooooooooooooo long I don't know where to start :?:?:?


I HAVE to get organised today as the builders arrive on Tuesday and we're going to Jimmy's at the weekend.


Probably would help if I wasn't sitting here...................must go.............

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