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HUGE dilemma

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Hi everyone, hope you are all enjoying the start of your long weekend. I've just come back from a 3 day break house hunting in Bath, not really found anything as its quite quiet up there at the moment. But I have discovered that to get a house in Bath at our price range we are going to have to sacrifice one thing, the size of the garden!!! This is my dilemma, not much room if any, for my rablu and bunnies :cry: my hubby says we can't not buy a house because of the rabbits :cry: but its not there fault we are moving, and I say pets are for life. So of course I'm turning to you my forum buddies for your opinions, I know its my decision in the end, but I would love to hear your views, thanks :(

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I would maybe go for a cheaper house that needed a bit of work doing to it therefore getting a cheaper house with a bigger garden.


Keep your pets and get the house of your dreams if you can.


Its expensive to move as it is - with all the stamp duty and that :evil: so you might aswell go for it whilst you can. :)

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Trouble is cheaper houses are further out, so we would end up spending more money on petrol, which I would prefer to spend on the house. I know what you mean Chelsea about doing up a house, we have looked into that and they are still expensive :evil: oh well, what ever will be, will be :?

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By the looks of it you only have 2 bunnies, with the houseing market at the mo if you can afford a house now, I wouldn't want to risk not buying it. When I had my rabbit he was a house rabbit, you can get cages especially for the house from any good petshop, I also brought a little tray that slotted in the corner , and the rabbit did most its business in that.We used to let him run around the kitchen with the cat each day, and he was as happy as larry, used to do exactly the same with my guniea pigs. Make them house rabbits , as long as you keep on top of emptying the litter tray everyday, they don't wiff. Krista x

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Oh good luck with your search, Mandy - I'm sure you'll find a way to keep your rabbits.


I moved last year to a house with a tiny garden but I was determined to house my three chickens. I decided there wasn't really anything else I wanted to do with my outside space anyway, so I built a chicken run which takes up about 1/5 of the garden, the shed takes about another 1/5 which leaves me a bit of grass (I like the green stuff!) and a small patio for a table and chairs and tubs of veggies.


Keep us posted.

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I would go for a smaller house and bigger garden but I know that is not always possible, especially if you want to live in/near the city.


As someone said there is always room for an eglu or two even in the smallest garden but you have to think what else you might want to use the garden for as well.


I understand what you mean about wanting to spend money on a house (an investment) rather than fuel - my boss lives in Warminster but works in Bracknell 80 miles each way - he must be crazy, what a waste of money. (but he argues that he could not get a mortgage for a house the size he needs (4 kids and big dog) closer to Bracknell....


Hope you find something soon.

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Thanks everyone for your ideas, I saw a lovely cottage, nice garden, but tiny living space :x but as we spend more time in the house I think smaller garden bigger house would be more sensible. Anyway I'm off up to Bath again to hopefully look at a house with small garden, but at the moment they have a summer house shed sort of thing in the garden, so it may be fine. I will keep you posted, if all else fails we will have to stay put, but I'm not giving up yet :)

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Hi everyone! good news we got the house :D smaller garden than we have now, but enough room for the bunnies, table and chairs so I can't complain. The offer was acepted last week, so fingers crossed all will be ok, but you know what house buyings like :x thanks for all your ideas, also Bath is not as cut off and I may beable to get to an Omlet gathering :D I will keep you up to date, but if all goes well we will move in 6 to 8 weeks :shock:

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