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Chickens coming Friday

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My eglu and chickens are coming Friday, is it normal to feel excited and worried at the same time :?


Does Omlet call you the day before like they say?


Can't wait really just a little concerned as a first time chicken owner, had an avairy before full of birds but nothing like this.



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Hello Sarah.


Omlet will call you the day before to confirm times etc. If you are worried about anything at any time you can always call them, they are very helpful. We also have Babara, our 'in house' chicken/eglu expert (barbara@omlet.co.uk)and of course the forum is a great place for chatting to like minded people, whether chicken related or not and is a great source of information. Chocolate is always high on the agenda too!


feeling worried and excited at the same time is completely natural. Chicken are hardy creatures and will be no problem for you at all. You'll love them, you see :wink:

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They called about 2, chickens arriving tomorrow about 3. A bit worried though beacause I have to leave for work at 3.45 and they can't come any earlier :( They said I could rearrange but I've waited since 23rd March :shock: Just hope they are on time :lol:

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Or just lock 'em all in - those teachers need a lesson in why not to keep a lady from her hens!


Just don't forget to let them out in the morning and give them some pellets to eat.


Oh, hang on, I think I'm getting confused . . . :?

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:lol::lol::shock: Oi! Watchit! I'm a teacher... wouldn't want to be kept in all weekend!!

Can't soemone else lock up for you?

I need a transfer to your school I think... we are nearly always at work until gone 6. Last teacher out locks up. :wink: I'd love to be thrown out at 3.45!



Good luck with the new arrivals! You'll love em! 8)

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There are some teachers that stay late, about 5.30-6.00, but Friday they're out of the door so quick, all gone by 4.30 at the latest. I only work till 5.30 and it's the same here, last teacher locks up. I'll try and sort something out, I don't want to rush the Omlet guys off, I want to learn as much as possible :D

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Hi Sarah,


Excited - yes

Worried - yes

I'm still both after 2 weeks....... Am I doing the right thing etc etc......


I am still on a chicken "high" and driving all my friends mad as I only have 1 subject of conversation. But it seems to me as if there are many people out there in the forum who are equally as potty about chickens straight away too.....


Enjoy the arrival tomorrow.

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