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well this is the place to look, keep an eye on the 'Second Hand Eglus' thread. There was a flurry of sales recently as the Cube came out, and I suspect there will be more. Or you could try phoning Omlet to see if they have any reconditioned ones?

They hold their price, and that is because they are so good! Easy to clean, and look really funky in the garden (bit like the tubtrugs!) :wink:

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I've wondered about growing spuds or carrots in them. Has anyone done this?


No, but I dont see why it can't be done - you'd need to have a hole in the bottom for drainage though!


I have seen this done on a gardening programme and the carrots did really well as they were too high up for the carrot fly to attack them! :D

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I have a black 'trug with 4 small goldfish in it in the garden. I have a solar powered floating fountain (with the fountain bit removed so it just burbles) in it to keep the water moving. The fish prefer it to their winter quarters (boring old glass tank indoors).


I'm waiting with interest to see if my soon-to-arrive hens will be interested in them...


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guess what I saw at the garden centre yesterday! Tubtrug COVERS! like little mob caps with an elasticated edge (bit like the things you put on jam pots) and with two slits for the handles to come through.


In colours to match the TTs, of course. I was so tempted, but actually I couldn't think of anything I do with my Tubtrugs that would require a cover! :wink:

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Thanks to Landgirl for that idea - goldfish in a tub trug! I bet they would be good in the translucent one you can get! Must try that... hope the chickens don't get too curious and try to get in there for a bath :roll: ... hmmmm... might have to consider the positioning carefully... :?

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omigod ... how did I miss seeing the website? I am feeling faint :)


I already have three (having followed advice, and got a purple one to match the Eglu (for filling with aubiose, etc) and a blue one to match my crocs, not sure what that will be for yet. (I can't believe I've just admitted to this - :oops: )


Now I've seen the shallow ones, which they don't have at my garden centre, I want to get a purple one (obviously) to use as a dustbath.


Their little bins look quite good too, I need somewhere to store feed. Pity they don't come in matching colours, too! :wink: Think maybe I need to go and lie down now.

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but this is good stuff. Honestly. It helps you to sort your other stuff, because you can put things inside Tubtrugs.

I know exactly what you mean, and since moving house last year I've been trying to adopt a policy of no non-essential expenditure. It's amazing what falls into the 'essential' category, though! :roll:


You could always allocate a Tubtrug to collect stuff for recycling, and one to collect charity shop stuff. hmm, now which colour shall I buy those in ... :wink:

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Olly - everytime you write in this subject I have to add another tubtrug to my wish list - please stop giving me more and more excuses to buy them - my worrying obsession is becoming fuelled by your ideas!


...I think they should make tall thin ones so you can take them shopping and not have to use so many carrier bags. I re-use my carriers now, but it would be far better to have tugtrug-carriers at the checkout - especially for all those bottles! How cool would that be? :lol:


..ok, I have to try and calm down now... :roll:

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oooh I want a trolley, I need a pink one and I want a green shallow one for dustbaths to match the eglu.


And just like the rest of you



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Confession time :oops::oops::oops: ... when my recycling cardboard/garden clippings wheelie bin is really full I put my tubtrug (empty) on top of the pile. Then I lift my 7 year old son in. He jumps up and down, squashes everything down nicely and then I lift him and the tubtrug out! Plenty of room then to stuff even more garden waste in :D

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