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Mel (& Paul)

I'm aiming for a rainbow

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Hurrah Hurrah Hurrah :D:D:D:D:D

We have just ordered a reconditioned reg eglu :D:D:D

I am hoping for a full set by next year.....

(according to Penny at Omlet we are having a red chicken :? )

We want to get four chooks that lay different colour eggs - eg, blue and white - what do you guys thinK?

And the next lot will have their own eglu and run, but be completely free range with the others in our garden, do you think we will have problems when they are free ranging? Do we need a Berlin Wall type construction?

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Brilliant news Mel :D

Only my experience, and I feel quite guilty syaing this knowing what a tough time some people have had with the hen pecking, but when I added my 2 newbies and 2nd eglu a month ago it was easy. We kept Eglu runs next to each other so they could see each other, but not touch, and for the first week the babies were confined to their Eglu & run, and had to watch the others free-ranging. I was over-protective of Zola who was quite unwell very early on, so I deliberately seperated them, and was careful about that for the first week-10 days, after that they free-ranged together, and we got a bit of pecking, but nothing too bad, but in the garden the babies could always escape. They did on occasions end up huddling together under bushes etc, but with the original trio they seemed to be very much out of sight, out of mind. It's taken me a month to really get them integrated, but with 2 eglu's I always had the luxury of time and safe space for them but now during the day I have both eglu runs facing each other, and the 2 doors are secured open with a wooden panel resting on the top, all secured with a shower curtain :?8)8) so that during the day they have free access to both eglus and both nesting boxes (necessary now that 4 are laying), and it's worked brilliantly.

Eggs, sounds a great idea to go for the different colours, and I think Lesley has an interesting selection of colours from her flock. We tried that idea, got Phil for the blue eggs, and since that dratted bird has never yet laid a single egg, despite having her since May we opted to go back to all brown, regular laying hybrids. But I love the idea of different coloured eggs, and think that maybe I've just been unlucky there. I'm seriuosly tempted to add to my flock again next year... and maybe get a Jasmine then :D:D , & a white egg laying hybrid- any ideas anyone?

Good luck with it though Mel. When does the Eglu arrive?

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Congratulations Mel :D


KateA has covered all the 'introduction' bits very well. Sheila has six chickens and two eglus as well so it's a growing trend 8)


We have five different coloured eggs from ours. There is a photo in the Egg part of the Gallery. Five eggs in the 'four egg' box.


We have

White - Whitestar

Blue - Cream Legbar

Tinted - Bluebell

Mid brown - Whitestar

Mid brown - Pepperpot

Dark brown - Speckledy


SarhJo said Meadowsweet are introducing a new hybrid that will apparently lay blue eggs so it may be worth waiting for that as it will cost less than the Pure Breed, Cream Legbar. They (or someone else?) did introduce one before but it didn't do well - it was a bit sickly and an inconsistent layer.

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now during the day I have both eglu runs facing each other, and the 2 doors are secured open with a wooden panel resting on the top, all secured with a shower curtain


Hi Kate


I like the idea of two eglus run to run. Any chance you could post a photo of it. Does it make it difficult getting food/water etc into the runs?


I also like the idea of your potato growing tyres. Do you acutally grow the potatoes inside the tyres themselves or just fill the container made by the tyres with compost? Maybe another photo !

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So very, very, very jealous.

great news all the same. :)

Hubby is getting sick and tired of me harping on about another Eglu and refuses to buy another one (he bought me my red Eglu). :D

Says we just do not have enough garden space :?

So now I want to move to somewhere with a larger garden and that is going to cost thousands and thousands of pounds, the Eglu will only cost £380 plus the price of the chickens, (and he thinks is is good at maths). :?



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8)8)8) Mel, that is fantastic news! Absolutely delighted for you...was it something I said :wink:

I'm sure the freeranging will be fine once they are all used to seeing each other from the adjacent eglu runs for a while. When the time comes, you could let the newbies freerange first, around the others in their run, so that the garden becomes their terriority too. As long as they can all hide & find space while its early days.

I'm besotted with my whitestar & have superb white eggs. It'll be worth finding a good supplier, I would have loved a bluebelle too, if they'd been available. Presumably you'll be getting the new 4 together on the same day, to avoid any extra conflict?

It'll be great, best wishes. :D:D:D

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Lots of ideas - had thought of the famous five - but a couple of problems

1. There are only going to be 4

2. The forum filters out the shortened version of Richard

3. My brother is called Julian.

So then I thought I would go for women with big bottoms who create great food (see what I did?!?!) So we are thinking of




and then we have a choice of Fanny (Craddock) Elizabeth (David) or Mrs Beaton - other suggestions greatfully received!

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