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The Pants debate

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Kate, that girl with the red vest and knickers that they've got on their homepage looks remarkably like your old 'SuperKate' avatar.....You don;t think she's moonlighting, do you?! :lol:

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moochoo, have you ordered from them? I was very excited, because they do 'boyleg' swimpants ... saves on depilating! :oops: and more flattering to those of a curvaceous nature.


But I see it's all from New Zealand, and there was something about having to pay tax on delivery - how does it work? or do they have stockists over here. I'm keen to order some for my hols, bikini days are well and truly gone but I find those tankini tops very useful.

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Olly, I've ordered from them loads of times. They charge you p&p but no additional taxes through customs or nasty stuff like that.

I highly recommend them and just like Omlet they're so helpful if you e-mail them with questions.

As a guide Nz sizes are equivilant to ours.

They take about 5-10 days to arrive. Hope you enjoy them if you do buy some.

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Or....armpit huggers, that have leggings attached! :lol:


but they'd have to come down to the elbows as well - or all my back fat would be squidged over the top :lol: (sounds like something Gok would recommend! :lol: )


:lol::lol: does anyone remember those designer dresses a few years ago that looked like all over body bandages? I bet you couldn't wear a s"Ooops, word censored!" of underwear with them :roll:

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My mother greeted me this morning with ...........'I've lost a pair of my knickers.............do you know where I may have put them' :shock::shock::shock:


Dreading to think what my mum may have been doing to lose a pair of her knickers................I continued the conversation to discover she has been clearing out her wardrobes and drawers and cannot find her favourite pair of M&S hold it all in from the waist to the knees knickers. M&S don't sell that particular style anymore and she feels bereft without them :roll::roll:


Now I like a big knicker but just cannot get on with the hold it all in ones (even though my very big wobbly tummy demands that I should :wink: ). I bought some once and just found that I couldn't get in or out of them very easily :D:D:D


Quite like the ones in the link from NZ..........may have to order some.

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Sorry - been too busy to come on here the past week - but I have to put in (another) good word for Sloggi knickers - they're great! They're really comfortable, last for ages, and do come in different degrees of coverage - from 'maxi' to 'string'!

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