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The Dogmother

The Race for Life

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I can't believe that in the 5 years I've been doing the race, this is the first time that it has rained - and boy did we get wet!!! Rosie has been doing the race with me for the last 3 years and has managed to better her time each year. We have raised over £350 for Cancer Research UK this time. Here are some photos.....


Warming up for the race (and boy did we need to warm up!)





Heading for the starting line..



Th start - we're at the fornt on the right



Rosie running



I wore the famous race shorts again, they gain me more sponsorship. A brilliant time was had by all - we were tired and muddy by the end of it and Rosie did brilliantly.

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I dont know how i missed out on sponsoring you so next time we meet i will hand over some cash! :D


I don't know how you managed it either Emma - I thought I got everyone when we were at your place :roll::lol: I've got your address, so just emailme with how much you want to sponsor and I'l pop it on Rosie's sheet.


I've just totted it up after a couple of latecomers, and we've raised £412 s far :D:D:D:D Thanks to all our fantastic sponsors


(OK, so who sponsored £2??????? :roll: )

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