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Is anyone else SAD?

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I am not trying to make light of this but, the acronym needs rearranging,

who thought it would help to call it SAD, ADS would be better surely.


I used to work with a guy who suffered in a big way it, I had never heard of it before and when he said he suffered from SAD I thought well get a life then! :oops::oops: I felt a terrible when he explained. You live and learn.


On a brighter note the rain stopped when I changed my Avatar!! like I hoped it would.


August, September and October will be scorchers! don't quote me as I have the same get out clause as Michael Fish.



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Have been thinking about getting a lamp but wasnt sure how good they where and didnt want to buy one if it wouldnt work......


Yes, I suffer from it too - though quite mildly compared to others. It hasn't kicked in yet.


I have a BrightSpark lamp which I got from OutsideIn http://www.outsidein.co.uk/sadrange.htm and it does make a difference. I have it next to my PC at work and you do get some odd looks from colleagues/visitors as it is extremely bright! You also don't pay VAT on SAD lights.



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I usually find that admitting something brings another load of people out of the woodwork saying 'oh yes that happened to me too'. It's always good to know you are not alone! :lol:


This is SO true. I was off work for six months in 2001 due to depression and was on tablets for a couple of years after that. When you started talking about it it's amazing how many people have either been through something similar or have a family member/friend who have. There is far too much stigma still attached to any form of mental illness :(



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Be warned if you've not used one before - they are terrifyingly bright when you switch them on! I soon got used to mine though.


There's a bit in the instruction book that made me laugh. Under common questions it says "Is it OK to wear sunglasses when using the light?" Unsurprisingly, the answer is that if you wear sunglasses then the light won't have any affect on you :D



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There's a bit in the instruction book that made me laugh. Under common questions it says "Is it OK to wear sunglasses when using the light?" Unsurprisingly, the answer is that if you wear sunglasses then the light won't have any affect on you


Thats funny :)


Well thats that ordered, hopefully will be with me Monday.... :)

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I went to the doctors today, waited for 2 hours to be seen :evil::evil: and was diagnosed with mild/moderate depression so that's me back on the anti-depressants then :roll: I had post-natal depression with Abi (8 years ago) and seem to have struggled on and off since then so to be honest it's a relief to be on the tablets again. I'm fed up with feeling like this and fed up with feeling guilty about it too.

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I had a month's worth of AD's just after I was diagnosed with an underactive thyroid in Oct 2002.

*Hugs* to Helly Welly, will you be having a follow-up visit to your doctors? It's v annoying when you have to wait for ages in there, especially when you are going with the symptoms you have.... :evil:

i must admit I am not too good at the mo, I have the anniversaries of a couple of deaths & am feeling a bit emotionally fragile. That's why I took what the DH said to me yesterday about the hall door being open so personally. I got up this morning at 4.30 to compose an email to school about the "discussion" yesterday, I sent it to my friend instead & feel much better for writing things down, I find that helps. My Christian faith is a great source of comfort, too :D

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To the sunny Isle of Wight for two weeks of camping!!!


A cheap holiday this year so that we can afford to have two week in Paris next year!


Actually, we love camping and the Isle of Wight has so many places to visit that we like. We are not the type of people to go and sit by a pool, we go on holiday to explore and visit tourist attractions. Of cousre, this means that we aren't too reliant on the weather, although i am ever hopeful of at least a few dry days :pray:



Thanks for the hugs, by the way, much appreciated.

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Well the sun is up and I thought, instead of moping around and over sleeping I would get up sort the animals out, have breakfast and fight this miserable mood ive been in for days...... :)


Lets hope the sun keeps shining, never know I might make it passed lunch time without wanting to go back to bed :)

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