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Hi, Does anyone have a husky as I went to reserve one today & I'm so excited!!! She is a little girl & 4 weeks old today, will have her in about 4 weeks. We already have a king charles, 2 cats, a mad bunny and the girls, so we are ever increasing family!!


Just abit worried about her interacion with the other animals, especially the chickens. Anyone had any experience?

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A friend of our's has one. He's mad - the husky I mean. He lives outside most of the year because of his really thick coat. He takes a lot of keeping in as they are extremely agile. And he chases anything that moves so is always always always walked on the lead. Which is a real shame because he would love to just run and run and run. They need more exercise that you could possibly imagine!


Hope this hasn't put you off :lol::roll:

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My oldest dog is half Samoyed and I must say she has put me off huskies for life sorry! Although we love her unreservedly she was the hardest puppy I ever trained in every way. Her recall is to this day pretty appauling, she is really willful, stubborn and opinionated, she has tons of character but never again! All other Samoyed/Malamute/Husky owners I have met tell a pretty similar sory too...................if you are up for a challenge and are prepared to be tough and work hard with her you will get a beautiful brave intelligent dog who is good with other animals and children but it will probably be a real mission. Hope I havent been too negative helenp, may I ask what made you decide on this breed?

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I know someone with 2 and she did have a few problems at first.

I think they are wonderful dogs but for people who do not work full time and can devote a regular routine with loads and loads of exercise daily.

Have you had a look at the breed website at all??

I checked out the Schnauzers before I got mine and they do sometimes help you make your mind up.

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:? I LOVE Huskies, but OH would not let me have one. There is a gorgeous dog Huskie called Blizzard 8) , who walks with Tori and I from time to time. He does his own thing but constantly runs. They do need alot of excercise. When I worked at the Safari Park in Scotland they used to bring a "team" of dogs to visit - they had the wheeled sledges, for when there was obviously no snow :wink: . There is a van in Macclesfield from time to time with a family, who have several huskies and a young family. Not sure if they are better in a pack, or alone :? .


Blizzard is the only family dog - and is a pretty big, but very gorgeous dog.


Be realistic about the space and time you have - if getting from a pup they will grow up to respect the family - but like any pure breed you take the chance :wink: .

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Thanks for all the comments. We know that we are taking on alot, but I have always loved them. It was a husky or an Irish Wolf Hound!!! :shock: We saw the puupies mum & dad who were so gentle it was wonderful, all the breeders dogs are bought up with Cats so the puppy will be used to them. Went on both the husky club & kennel club website & read the pros & cons. The breeder said as long as we are firm form the start we will be ok. We are moving soon to a house with over 2 acres of land, so she will have room to play & roam. We already have a dog, so hopefully he should be a calming influence on her. As we are getting her at 8 weeks old we will be able to train her. Just can't wait to go on long walks!!!!

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We are moving soon to a house with over 2 acres of land!!!!


Ooooh, sounds lovely....any room for us?!? :lol::lol:


huskies are beautiful dogs, for me it was either a husky/norwegian elkhound or one of those dogs that looks like a wolf (cant remember the name) but in the end we went for a German Shepherd - kinda "wolf like" :lol:


Please post lots of piccies when you get her for us to drool over. :mrgreen:

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Hi, thank you for all the support!!! I'm going mad having to wait for her!! We have a short list of names, Rommie, Lola & Luna. I want Luna, but OH wants Rommie.. so we will have to wait & see. She is so tiny at the minute & browny grey in clour, the breeders think she will go grey & white. Can't wait to move to the new house, the chickens are going to have a huge run built so they can be out all the time :D , the bunny will go awol :roll: & the kitties, well I dread the presents I am going to get!!! :shock:

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Some friends of mine have huskies, which they train and race. However, they can never be let off the lead because they will just run and run until they run out of land! They have to be walked with their leads attached to a belt as they instinctively pull very strongly. Mike's no lightweight, but if he didn't have them attached like that, he'd be over on his face. :lol:


Having said that, they are gorgeous and loving dogs, Rosie especially loves them and they are so gentle with children. They have been bred to eat raw meat, so will need to BARF diet like Emma, Buffie, Lesley and Mel use for their dogs.

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i have a friend who has three (two are really young) he does spend alot of time walking them and they are well behaved most of the time, but he cant walk them all together as they are strong.

i think they are alot of work to train and you have to be firm from the start. i have met people who had huskies when i used to have my dogs who would let them off the lead so it is possible.

i am used to weimaraners and labs and i think in the right environment huskies will be just as placid and affectionate as they are. we got our weimaraner kendall when our lab winston was two, winston mothered kendall and alot of his temperment rubbed off. the kendall behaved more like a lab than a weimaraner even though he was twice winstons size when fully grown.

it sounds like she will have a great home with you i cant wait untill you post some lovely photos of her.

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Hi, just back from hols and catching up. My friend has 4 Huskies that she races and shows. They are stunning dogs with the most amazing eyes, and from what I gather, very hard work. There is also a girl on one of the 'other' poultry forums (who my friend knows through the shows) and her Huskies have bitten the heads off a couple of her chickens :shock: , so I think you'd need to be careful.

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To quote from my dog book: "whilst huskies are very beautiful and striking to look at, they are not the ideal family pet. The call of the wild easily conquers any human attachment, and most huskies must be kept on a lead all the time." Irish wolfhounds on the other hand are praised for their loving and loyal personalities! You've obviously thought it through carefully - wouldn't be the dog for me though. I want a pooch who will curl up with me on the sofa!

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did you see the top gear special last night - hamster was using huskies to get to the north pole (clarkson and may in a big truck :roll::roll: )


sounds as though you have thought about this very carefully and you'll have loads of land when you move :D:D please post lots of piccies so we can all :drool::mrgreen:

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