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arrgghh %&*% inlaws and their *&%$£$ dog!

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How are things with the outlaws this morning?


I also wondered what your OH was doing when this was going on?


if people come to my home and start smoking without asking I light smelly candles about 2 seconds after they have lit up (candles get rid of the smoky smell) I dont say anything - but they always say "oh, you dont mind do you? (bit late now - but I have made my point :D )


I think I would be inclined to take the mickey out of the teens, when they came out with silly statements about the "growing your own", try, "its a lot sweeter - maybe you should try it???" (then run :lol: )


I too would feed the dog something that would make it throw up in the car, but do it just as they set off (or you could have some cleaning up to do)


anyway, they cant stay forever, count down the minutes :D and remember we are all here for you

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with the new smoking laws is it illegal for people to smoke in your house if they are visiting?


I would expect anyone in this day and age to ask permission to smoke in my house......and I would have no difficulty in saying no.


In fact forget that...I would expect anyone in this day and age to automatically realise that it is not acceptable to even think of smoking in my house. and that they would be expected to take their filthy habit outside, preferably completely off the property.


If I was a fellow smoker that would be different.


I don't know how you are staying silent Richard.


You must be an uncanonised saint.

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I agree - smoking is vile & I will not have it in my house.

In fact when The Hubbys cousin visits & smokes in the garden the smell is still so strong,& blows into the house,that I have also put the kybosh on that.


I grew up in a Nightclub which we woned & both of my parents were heavy smokers.I cannot bear the smell of cigerette smoke now :?


And what is it with some smokers who think they can just chuck their butts onto the ground, & its OK?

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:shock: Smoke outside - several miles away from me thanks :wink: , and "Ooops, word censored!"ody is exempt when they come here.


Re. the dog - B****y inconsiderate. Having said that, one family member has just got a "LARGE" crossbreed dog - as she had a large dog when she was younger. Problem is - her son is 5 yrs old, and not that into the dog anyway, and it knocks everyone over - not good when there is a 2 yr old neice toddling around :evil: . So basically everyone prays she does not bring the dog when she visits, and causes uneccessary unease. Bearing in mind she has no control over the dog - and admits it :x .


Hope you survive the weekend Richard.

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Georgie is back on form this morning I am very pleased to say. She has a somewhat modified rear spoiler - I'll stick some photos up in a minute - talk about a bad hair day!


As regards the smoking - OLs are not allowed to smoke in the house but it was an amazing meal last night. We ate in our Conservatory - and they both had to go outside every 30 mins or so for a smoke break!


I refused to have them stay in the house (we don't have room for their kids anyway) so they have rented a holiday cottage very close. Somehow after this weekend I think it will be at least another 15 years before I see them again!

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As you can see, her coiffure was damaged, as was her pride. Actual physical damage luckily was minimal - she was pretty stressed last night but seems to have recovered this morning - Raisins rock (Richard's cure-all).

Some of the damage;



Bad hair day;


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she's a beautiful girl Richard - even with her crew cut bum! (actually I think it is more of a mohican) So glad it was just a case of feathers flying and no lasting damage.


Now I know why I prefer animals to people (Omelteers excepted :lol: )

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Yep; she has been lurking in the nettles all day long, looking seriously evil (even more than usual) and taking it out on anything and everthing - plants, fence whatever! Interestingly, we haven't seen hide nor hair of the dog so perhpas they got the message!


The outlaws will be going home tomorrow so thats fine by me. :D Life will get back to normal.

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Oh dear Richard, and poor Georgie too


I smoke, admittedly and I would never dream of smoking in someone's house as I don't smoke in mine - my mum smokes in her house and it reeks and it's not pleasant at all :vom:


We had a similar incident with a friend coming round and their Huskie (puppy) went straight for Margot and chased her and got a few feathers. Needless to say Taylor the mutt is certainly not welcome here anymore but our friends were mortified at his behaviour.


My family can annoy the heck out of me, my brother especially (and he's called Richard...:lol:) - he brought his last girlfriend round and her son... 1 - he ate my choccy digestives and 2 - smeared the chocolate off his hands into my cream carpet!! :evil::evil::evil:

He has since replaced said girlfriend with a new model and better behaved little 'un and soon to arrive newborn - an uncle again! :? Josh is a sweetie tho, he kept feeding the laydees treats! :D


Hope they clear out soon Richard and life can get back to normal




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Oh I am so glad she has recovered but she definately looks like she is out for revenge. Are you sure she isn't going to blame you Richard? Might need a lot of grovelling and raisins to smooth a girl's ruffled (remaining) feathers. She is really pretty though, what breed is she?

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