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Love is....

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.... when I feel a little low about life (will not bore you with the details) and only a bar of G&B will do. OH who left the house this morning at 7 in the p*****g rain to return at 7, again in the p*****g rain on his motorbike (about 100 mile round trip) goes out after dinner and buys me a bar :D


I now know why I married him :oops::D

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Feeling much better thank you :D He also took the dog out for me after getting back with the G&B :D I am going to put the kettle on in a mo, grab the G&B and put blackadder on :D Anybody want to join me?


Claret, what a perfect way to start a Sunday :D I can only dream about things like that!


Will ask him for you Chookie :lol:

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I am going to put the kettle on in a mo, grab the G&B and put blackadder on :D Anybody want to join me?


Yes please!


I am at home today feeling miserable as i have a shocking cold :(

I went to bed last night feeling fine but woke up at 3ish feeling terrible - how is it that cold just jump on you when you are asleep! Not fair play at all! :shock:


I'll keep my germs and tissues to my side of the sofa Paola, but pass the G&B :wink::lol:

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