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Urgent help needed! Problems with council with noise

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I have a problem, in that my neighbor has complained to the council that my 4 girls are causing too much noise. The council have asked me to sound proof the coop. Firstly has anybody got any suggestions on what I could sound proof it with or how I stand if I can not reduce the noise. Obviously my neighbor has too much time on her hands being as we live by a busy railway line and a main road which produces much more noise than 4 hens. Secondly she has also made it very clear that regardless of what I do she will continue to complain "until they are gone" Any advise would be appreciated.

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I put a duvet over the eglu overnight in the winter. Also during the summer (because my chooks get up early) I put a dark tarpaulin over the eglu to make it darker so they are quieter for longer.


I cant understand your neighbour either. :evil: there is no way that chickens are louder than a main road or a railway!! She's probably just jealous :evil:


Stick to your guns is what I would say. Your chickens are your pets, they are not a nuisance.

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Write back and ask them to sound proof the railway line. :?


Invite them round.


Unless you have a rooster crowing all day, your hens are unlikely to be making more noise decibel wise than all the ambient sounds in the area, eg


trains :?

Barking dogs




vehicles revving

children playing

people rowing

idiots playing music through open windows.

bins being emptied

Babies crying

Magpies etc calling


You say "Secondly she has also made it very clear that regardless of what I do she will continue to complain "until they are gone" "


That is a clear indication that the problem is not the noise, and that she intends to harrass you unreasonably until she gets her way.


It would be useful if you could get her to put it in writing, or at least repeat it in front of a witness.


Are you a council tenant? If so they have some powers. If not then they probably won't do much, other than possibly send a noise abatement type person round who will measure the sound level and realistically, unless you are unlucky and have a squawker, aren't going to be that high.


Cover the coop with an old duvet, with as hideous a cover as you can muster...to annoy her even more if she is hanging out of her window to spy on you....just kidding....and leave it at that.


Take her some eggs round and see if you can chat it through.


Living near a railway line, there will be rats in the area so if that is her argument it is pretty feeble, just make sure she knows that you are taking all the recommended steps to avoid attracting them.


Neighbours eh?


I know how you feel as we had a nightmare experience with one of ours....not over the hens....and it was very difficult.


Don't budge....stay reasonable and calm at all times.


Good luck.

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I would second everything Egluntine has said.

Has anyone from the Council actually come around to see them? If not, they will soon see that your hens are a far cry from 'noisy' once they have been inspected. Once that has been proven, maybe you'll be able to find out the real root of her objection.

Good luck.



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Good ideas from everyone there. This is obviously a kneejerk reaction by the council. :evil: Surely the noise can't be a nuisance to anyone, they go to bed at 5pm for goodness sake!!! My dog makes far more noise than my chooks so maybe you should ask her if she'd prefer you get a couple of (noisy) dogs instead. :wink:


Soundproof the coop, what a ridiculous suggestion!! :roll:

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:evil::evil: Oooooohh neighbours sometimes are a pain in the :evil::evil:


How strange for the council to contact you without even investigating further to gather real evidence - or is this normal? I know if we have had noisy neighbours before (and I mean they were PROPER noisy, all night parties mid-week) it has been almost impossible to get the council to do anything...


I would do as others say and ask them to check out the sound levels of the other noises around eg the trains and main road.


Good luck.

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I agree with what everyone has said here.


I think that if the Council Officers came round to see you they would see how the chickens are being kept - that they are not smelly or noisy and they would be happy about this and hopefully not bother you again. They probably receive loads of vindictive complaints from nosey neighbours about various things so will want to see evidence before they would take any action.


Try not to worry.

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Thanks everyone for your support. Spoke to a "Sensible" person at the council today who said they had received a six week diary and a recording on a mobile, both of which are insubmittable as evidence. As I had agreed to soundproof no action would be take, in the event of further complaints they would visit however, the likelyhood would be that if they were to visit the hens would not be making any noise as it was noted as "random"


I did try and offer an olive branch, and reason & offer some eggs, but this was met with the door being shut in my face. :? So we shall see what happens. I have spent the after noon lining the cope with carpet which should reduce some to the "terrible clucking noise" made by the girls :lol:

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Thanks everyone for your support. Spoke to a "Sensible" person at the council today who said they had received a six week diary and a recording on a mobile, both of which are insubmittable as evidence. As I had agreed to soundproof no action would be take, in the event of further complaints they would visit however, the likelyhood would be that if they were to visit the hens would not be making any noise as it was noted as "random"


I did try and offer an olive branch, and reason & offer some eggs, but this was met with the door being shut in my face. :? So we shall see what happens. I have spent the after noon lining the cope with carpet which should reduce some to the "terrible clucking noise" made by the girls :lol:




Any more nonsense from her and you have a reliable record of her unreasonable behaviour.


I'd keep a diary of events too. This advice was given to us by out local bobby when our neighbour was harrassing us. Include the fact that you tried to make a gesture of reconcilliation and had the door shut in your face.


Remain calm and unruffled. Sounds as if something else will come along to annoy her pretty soon if she is so small minded.

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Why not buy a chicken from the supermarket and take it round saying that you've seen the light and this is your neighbour's share of the proceeds of your action. That's what I'd do. I'd get one with feathers if I could. But that's just me.....


Sorry, but I can't do with ****'s who've got nothing better to do than try to make others [who are obviously content with what life brings] unhappy.


Rant over and temper controlled here's how...


Therapy that really can work.


E + R = O


E is an event (like this one but can be anything that annoys/upsets)


O is the outcome.


The equation is fairly simple. E is NOT a vairiable (you always get ****'s)


O is a variable. The outcome is controlable.


You've probably guessed that the 'R' is YOUR reaction. Careful here - no-one else can control the outcome for YOU - ONLY YOU. YOU decide on the outcome you would like and then design your reaction to make it happen. It may take 1 minute it may take 10 years BUT because you are in control of the situation you will find that you, your temper and therefore your blood pressure are also well in control.


I have two boys. they used to annoy a great deal until someone gave me this. Now if I seem angry I'm likely to be putting it on to get the outcome I desire! I'm not usually angry.


Try it next time someone cuts you up or nicks into your parking space at the supermarket. Choose your reaction [for you] and design your outcome it really, really works.



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Gosh Lozkate, what a brilliant equation! I mean, we all know that's the case, but seeing it set out like that somehow makes it clearer - I'm going to remember 'E + R = O' next time I am getting in a strop about something.


Going back to the topic - it's my experience that if you complain about noise, the council will write a letter without asking much. It's cheaper and quicker for them to do that first, than to actually send a noise abatement officer round to investigate. If she pursues it, they will have to investigate, and they'll find - er, what exactly? As others on here have said, the decibel levels of your chickens aren't likely to exceed railways, traffic or barking dogs! I doubt if they would take it any further. She may have given them the impression that you have a cockerel or a huge flock or something. Good luck, let us know how you get on.

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I do what eglutine said and make a diary of your own. put in everything like "wednesday - neighbour cuts grass with loud mower", "neighbour sneezes" etc etc.


This neighbour is being completely unreasonable....gawd it would annoy me. :evil: she obviously has a bee in her bonnet and will not rest until you are rid of your chooks. Dont let her win - she is being unreasonable. Does she have any pets? a noisy car? a caravan/boat? :evil:


Fight Fight Fight!!!

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Can't beleive that we are now being spyed on everytime we go out to the girls! Even their security light now comes on when we go out to lock them up at night. (At least it saves my electricity) Finding it funny (E+O=R) rather than stressfull but do object when they do it to my son. Waving and smiling does do the trick to send them surring. Honestly do people have nothing better to do other then harrass people enjoying their lives?

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Azz, I would be prepared if I were you for her to bring Bird Flu up soon.

Its getting towards the time of year when the papers start their scaremongering, & she sounds like the sort who will join their cause wholeheartedly :roll::?


I do hope this works out for you.

You are in the right here - hens are not that noisy & are generally lovely to have around..........unlike some people :?

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make sure that you include the annoying light in your diary.


I was just about to say this. You can get that re-aligned if it is shining on your property (could be deemed harassment) or picking up movement from your property. I believe you should quote the Clean Neighbourhood and Environment Act 2005, there is an amendment that deals with light nuisance.


Good luck.

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do you have a video camera? why don't you video your girls going about their daily business and then show the council just how quiet and well behaved they are?


they can't argue with what's in front of their eyes (and ears)!

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Ignore your neighbours, they are clearly touched.


Wind chimes are the way forward, the bigger the better!,Hang them all around your garden and build a redwood bench, that could be mistaken for a place of worship,

Inform the council that you a descendent of a North American Navahoe tribe in a former life, and that chickens are sacred to your religion and the wind chimes are there to ward off evil spirits which clearly exist nearby.


Every Saturday morning at around 3.am you will need to worship the chicken god by sacrificing an Elton John CD at 300 watts. If that doesn't work then you could try Chris d' berk.


Failing that I will pay them a visit.!!

They will move. :lol::lol::lol::lol:



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