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Guest Poet


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Better not let Rosie see that Poet - she's my own 'battery system warrior'! she'd be staking out the supermarkets :roll:


She is my egg monitor - collecting , weighing and cataloguing the eggs. When we have lots, they get 'sold' to our neighbours and friends in return for a donation to BHWT. She makes sure that each box is delivered personally and that the recipient gets a talk about battery farming and our free eggs. To be honest, the people who have our eggs are probably all converted, but she likes doing it.


Well done to you for bringing this to light.

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there was a famous poet, you might have heard of him, Ivor Cutler. He used to stick stickers on random objects, people etc One of his favourite ones was to stick stickers on food in supermarkets saying "made of dust" which most of it probably is :)

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you can print your own stickers to stick on boxes of (battery) eggs etc, i'm sorely tempted!!!!!!!




Yep-I'm with you on this one!! :D


Think I'll wear a raincoat and sunglasses-go in disguise! Sneaking about near the boxes of eggs with a handful of stickers. :whistle:

I'll get the kids to cause a distracion while I sticker the boxes! :shh:




When I go to the library I put 'home education is legal' leaflets inside the books on bullying :lol:


Well people have a right to know the truth about things don't they :D


(Edited to correct typo! :oops: )

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hahaha, good on you!!! I print out my little poetry books and hide them btwn the pages of library books, as well as other places. I also print out single poems and place them in library books before returning them etc.


this is me, I'm working on issue 2 at the moment but have been so busy with the chickens it's sort of on hold at the mo!




mods, this is a non profit making venture so pls don't shout at me! :)

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I'm definitely going to sticker up some boxes!!! My hubby had the idea of giving people the extra money in a supermarket for them to buy free range rather than battery eggs (26p more). WOrd would soon get around that some wierdo was giving money away for me to buy free range eggs! But I'm definitely going to stick on those stickers & I may even throw a poster in the large boxes holding the boxes of battery eggs! I have cried many tears over battery hens - I just get upset! SO anything I can do I will, hubby will be with me on this one!!!!



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My OH will definitely not!! :(

It's not that he agrees with battery hens it's just that he tells me I'm TOO sensitive and I am only one person-I can't change the world!!! :evil:

What does he know eh? :wink:


sounds like my DH but did you read my post in 'the nesting box' about the starfish? "...made a difference to that one"!


A tip, maybe stick the stickers INSIDE the lid of the egg box, that way the staff won't see them but the person who buys them will when they get home and it might make them think twice about buying them again.


Just do a few boxes each time you go shopping, so as not to arouse suspicion, they'll just think you're checking for broken eggs.


I must write a poem, print it up and leave it in selected library books, maybe cook books!

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It really upset me seeing the state of the hens they used. I subscribe to the battery hen welfare trust - maybe they should be encouraging the comercial television channels to run something like this ad for free - after the watershed as I young children might be upset by the images. It would certainly make the public think about what they are buying.

Powerful stuff.

Now we have an enormous hen house (12'x15' x 2 (inside and out) and only 4 hens, I feel so guilty, I think I will have to take on some ex batts next year.

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could claret or cinnamon or one of the lovely mods suggest it to Jane is it?


I think the ad is Australian but maybe they'd let them borrow it? However, I think the issue with the BHWT is though they do their upmost to maintain good relationships with the battery farmers and I think this would maybe rock the boat and could cause a problem but there's nothing to stop the rest of us spreading the word, i think the sticker idea is a good one for starters and of course, send the video link to as many people as you can and ask them to send it on, ad infinitum....

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