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Stuck in a Lift

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I was driving in the car a couple of days ago, and I switched the radio on to hear the lovely voice of Tony Benn on the Jeremy Vine Show. I'd forgotten how interesting Tony Benn is, and I found myself agreeing with everything he said and thinking what an inspriation he is.


My thought process then went on to 'if I was stuck in a lift and could choose someone to be stuck with who would it be?'.


A toss up between Tony Benn and Stephen Fry.


I imagine they would have an enlightening anecdote for anything you cared to throw at them, and I also imagine they'd be genuinely interested in any conversation you cared to have.


Thought it would be an interesting topic on the forum.


Who would you be stuck in a lift with and why?

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that's my worst fear so it would have to be a life engineer!:shock:



Hmmm...freudian slip there Poet......? :wink:




:lol::lol::lol: I'm always doing stupid typos, almost everything i post on here has been edited!

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that's my worst fear so it would have to be a life engineer!:shock:



Hmmm...freudian slip there Poet......? :wink:



Snowy - it would be the perfect place to start a conversation and get to the end without interuption wouldn't it! :lol:


Oh yes, I hadn't thought about uninterrupted conversation though :oops::lol:

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Russell Brand would be my worst nightmare to be stuck in a lift with. I would be absolutely hysterical and not with laughter. I am terrified of lifts anyway so always take the stairs - which is saying something for me. But if I had to be stuck somewhere ..... um, Martin Shaw (as he is now), Yul Brynner (alive obviously :oops: ), Rupert Penry Jones (swoon), or Art Malik. (all for their pure wit and scintillating conversation, obviously)Stephen Fry though would definitely be really interesting - he is a fascinating man.


But in real life the only person who could keep me calm and entertained and who I can happily spend hours and hours chatting with and not realising the time is very best friend (or siamese twin as my husband calls her) Sue

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I'm not overly keen on lifts, avoid them whenever I can, so I'd not be interested in scintillating conversation or gorgeous bodies I'm afraid. I guess I'd prefer Peot's lift engineer, failing that it'd have to be hubby who I know would reassure me, keep me calm and give me loads of hugs :D:D

Oh, and I wouldn't mind my mobile phone and the telephone numbers of all those hunky celebs........... flirting by phone with hubby to hold my hand and a lift engineer working on setting me free.............. that could make me a very happy bunny :wink::lol::lol::lol::lol:

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Oh, and I wouldn't mind my mobile phone
they don't work in lifts :(


I did actually get stuck in a lift at work once and kept ringing the bell but they took ages to rescue me and one of my colleagues told me she heard the security guard say "oh someone's messing about with the emergency button again!"


They had to wind it by hand to the next floor so I could get out, very scary as I was on my own in there, tried t use my phone but no signal!

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When i was a young and left home, i lived in my own flat in a huge ugly tower block.The lift was horrible, people were always using it as a toilet.


it was a christmas eve and i was in the lift and it grinded to a halt between floors.Oh great ! i stood their shouting heeeeeelllllp and with my finger stuck on the button thinking i hope i'm not gonna spend christmas in the lift :pray:


When the caretaker eventually turned up and let me out, he gave me a real strange look...........the reason being a huge puddle in the corner of the lift :roll: it wasn't me :oops: ....honest. :lol:


Hugs Layla xx

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Maybe I should have named this thread, 'stuck in a traffic jam' or 'stuck in a hot bubble bath' or even, 'stuck in your favourite restaurant with a person of your choice'.......


I guess never having had a fear of lifts or small spaces, it didn't cross my mind the point might have been lost in the mental picture of being 'stuck in a lift'!


I have to agree with you Layla about wee in lifts - totally disgusting :vom:

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