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Alis girls

Culled an ill chicken (first time)

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Today I culled my first chicken. In the past I've normally found them dead in coop and only once took one to vet who had had throat ripped out by a predator but was still alive. I used the broomstick method which was simple enough but didnt go quite as planned. The body twitching after i expected but still found it upsetting. Penny my hen went lame,  legs totally useless. I suspect was a tumour or stroke. Anyway it's done but I felt awful doing it. 

Edited by Alis girls
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Well done Ali’s Girls. I’ve culled several now - one young cockerel who had slipped tendons in both hocks so couldn’t stand, one cockerel who had some sort of degenerative neurological disorder and could no long move around, and three hens who had been attacked by something (suspect stoat) and seemed to have been left completely brain dead. I hated it absolutely every time and have to run away before the body starts scrabbling but I always knew I did the right thing.


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Indeed, well done.  Its not easy or pleasant, and I'd be more worried if you didn't feel bad about doing it, but the main thing is that you stopped your hen suffering, even though it was at a great cost to yourself.  When you feel calmer, you can be proud of yourself for stepping up.  I still have to tell myself its just the nerves when a bird moves after death, but strangely I find this helps me accept I am left with just the body, not 'my whoever'.

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I had to cull one of my girls yesterday too. She was very ill and had lost a lot of weight. It’s never easy but I believe it’s less stress then taking them to the vets. I only have one chicken left now…I’m really worried she will become lonely and depressed. Does anyone have any advice? (Bringing her inside isn’t an option as I have a GSD who would torment her) 


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