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The Good Life !!!!!!!!!!!!

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I certainly will :D Update and photos coming soon :D


I'm in agony at the moment - trying to cheer myself up while waiting for painkillers to kick in! Too much painting, up and down the stepladder etc............. Pain from the pulled muscle now goes from my neck to my waist and i also have sciatica on the other side starting a few inches lower and running down to the back of my knee - I need a vet! - with a big gun :(


First thing to be packed is all the electric fencing - no Jimmy's farm here :shock::lol: Carl is just checking it now. We have a solar energiser but it takes 4 days to charge - we're looking at the quick way - hopefully with a battery charger :?


I may be back here tonight - depends what my list tells me I'm doing :wink:

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Oh Lesley. I hope the painkillers are doing their stuff now! There's no point saying 'take it easy', is there :roll: so I'll just wish you all the best for a not too stressful couple of days. :D Hope everything goes according to your list. :wink:

Take care.

Linda x

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I need plugging into a battery charger! :lol:




We picked up the keys at 12.30 and after we'd had a chat with the previous owners, we had a picnic, just looking out at the land. It was a glorious day here and so peaceful. We can hear traffic noise - but.......... NO NEIGHBOURS!!!!!!!!! - Bliss :wink:


We collected Lauren and Jake from school and had a good look around. I think we will be finding hidden sheds for at least a year! We asked for 2 cats to be left but there are 3. The 2 youngest are brother and sister - and very young - and un-neutered :? We have to make friends with the little female very quickly and get her to the vet :?


We ordered three little piglets today - we collect them next Friday.


There is also a very old hen who lives in a barn. She potters around and doesn't bother anyone. She just has some corn each day. We called her Lucy. She is pale grey with a bit of a hairdo.


My daughter and son-in-law, and son and girlfriend came over and we all had a meal and another look around, watching the sun set.


Tomorrow will be very hectic but fun as well ( :? ) Clare is coming over on Saturday - she thinks it is just for a couple of hours but I'm going to imprison her - there's so much work to do :wink:


We did it!



Who needs Snowdon?



If we could just harness Lauren to a lawn mower....



Can we have a pony???


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Well done Carl and Lesley! I really am so pleased for you. :D:D:D


Also very impressed that you've found time to come on here and share your news. The way you've told it, you seem to have had a really relaxing day, doing nice things. I'm impressed because that just isn't possible when I'm moving home!


I'm wishing you every happiness in your new home! Congratulations!

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Woowee Lesely! Is it really true! Has it really happened...HAS IT SUNK IN YET!!


Many, many congratualtions on your new home. A real dream come true.


I'll let Clare know to plug you in at the first convienience on Saturday, get your batteried re-charged :wink:

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It hasn't sunk in yet :? It was only relaxed because we don't have to move everything all in one go - we have two houses at the moment.


Martin - Lauren and Jake go to school in the village, they live at the other end of the village to us.............. well 2 miles away now I suppose :roll:

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Brilliant news Lesley and Carl. I have just copied this post into an email to Phil, hoping that he will be able to come and help as well on Saturday. I must tell Rosie that you are getting the piggies on Friday week - she was asking about them.


Let me know if I should bring anything on Saturday. I will stay as long as I can, but we are going out that night.

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