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sweet idea

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I never give James teacher chocolates cos I know just how many she will get. Christmas I sent in a couple of bottles of wine - just what you need at the end of term.


Summer I'll send in some home grown veggies and fresh eggs.

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Him Indoors was given loads of boxes of Thorntons Continental.


Not much use as he's a diabetic.


We recycled some and i made the ultimate sacrifice and ate the rest.


Claret chuck.....could you post another link to your newspaper bags please? :lol:


I had already got my wrapping paper at Christmas, but want to be prepared for this year.


Ta muchly.

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We did the same too Pengy - there seems to be a competition here amongst the parents to see who can provide the most elaborate present;


Just in case any of my students are reading this - highly unlikely considering :wink: - at the end of the Spring term i would like a TVR sports car, champagne, diamonds, a life times supply of G&B, flowers, a country estate, 6 sheep, 3 donkeys and a bottle of Ecover washing up liquid!



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Well, I don't drink alcohol and hardly ever eat chocolate - my kitchen contains...

1 box of After Eights

1 box of Ferrero Rocher

1 box of G&B selection

1 box of Bendicks

1 chocolate orange

1 box austrian chocolate biscuits





Well if I have to Clare, send them here.


I have a HUGE tin of Roses, box of Green and Blacks, 3 Terrys chocolate oranges (dark, mint and milk) a tube of maltesters, a tube of chocolate buttons, 1kg bar of Cadburys dairy milk, a bag of mistrels, a small selection box, 2 crunchies and My OH has been dianosed with gall stones and can't eat chocolate! :shock:


Whats a boy to do???


*sits surrounded by chocolate and grins*




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Please don't report me to social services but my Nana always gets us some kind of liquer chocolates- this year it was Teachers whisky ones.

Alexander was curious when I told him you have to be 16 (I think) to buy them in the shops, & he wanted to try one.

I did warn him, & had a glass of water ready for him after he had bit the chocolate in half....... :lol:

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Please don't report me to social services but my Nana always gets us some kind of liquer chocolates- this year it was Teachers whisky ones.

Alexander was curious when I told him you have to be 16 (I think) to buy them in the shops, & he wanted to try one.

I did warn him, & had a glass of water ready for him after he had bit the chocolate in half....... :lol:


:lol::lol: Poor lad :lol: Children do tend to assume that they have an automatic right to any chocolate don't they? My boys tried to deprive me of some liqueurs once :lol::twisted:

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Right I've sorted it. I'm going onto the 2nd layer of the dairy box having chopped up some of left overs of the first layer and mixed them with ice cream and poured myself a generous vodka and dropped the remains of the first layer in. cheers....now where are the soft centres. :lol::lol::lol:

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Well, I don't drink alcohol and hardly ever eat chocolate - my kitchen contains...

1 box of After Eights

1 box of Ferrero Rocher

1 box of G&B selection

1 box of Bendicks

1 chocolate orange

1 box austrian chocolate biscuits





Well if I have to Clare, send them here.


I have a HUGE tin of Roses, box of Green and Blacks, 3 Terrys chocolate oranges (dark, mint and milk) a tube of maltesters, a tube of chocolate buttons, 1kg bar of Cadburys dairy milk, a bag of mistrels, a small selection box, 2 crunchies and My OH has been dianosed with gall stones and can't eat chocolate! :shock:


Whats a boy to do???


*sits surrounded by chocolate and grins*





You'd be most welcome Christian - I think I might have to have a party when I'm better to get rid of them all :roll:

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hmmm remember having a party to get rid of the booze means that people BRING MORE BOOZE.


I'm piling i up here, there is some lager now past it's sell by date.


Next party is 21st June from around 4pm - you are all invited








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