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Ain't Nobody Here

Can things get any worse? They can and have :(

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First the central heating boiler packed up on Tuesday night (during the big storm). Scottish Gas are coming between 1 and 6 today.


Now the gas fire in the sitting room won't light :cry: . I'm waiting for a man to call me back.


I've been to my step class this morning (anything to go somewhere warm :? ) and have had to wash myself in a baltic bathroom with a kettle of water in the sink. How did they manage before central heating :shock: . They must've been hardy souls.


And it's absolutely pouring outside so can't even take the dog for a walk (he has an aversion to rain :roll: ). The chickadoodles wouldn't even thank me for a bit of free-ranging :( .


If it wasn't for a small electric fan heater borrowed from my mum I would resemble an iceblock.


And I can't even summon up the enthusiasm for my steam cleaner - I know it would warm me up but I don't care :evil: .


And the girls rain cover is ripped to shreds after the storm :cry: .


I'll post this before I think of anything else :roll: .

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I've every sympathy for you- we had no hot water or heating for 10 days last month as the pump had packed in- the weather wasn't really cold at that time fortunately. I got to be an expert at super quick cold morning showers- rinsing my back made me cry out in coldness.

My parents live down the road so we went there for hot baths every night, & our gas fire was working thankfully. It made me realise what luxuries hot water & central heating are.


Now my washing machine isn't starting- the door has dropped a little due to children standing on it :evil: and it won't lock, so for safety reasons won't start. My FIL is over here at the mo ( he lives in France) so hubby will ask him nicely to take a look at it for us. FIL is very good at fixing things :D

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You don't realise how you rely on things till they go wrong, do you :roll: .


The boiler man came at 3pm and said it's the fan that's seized up. He tried to get it going but couldn't. Another cold night and no showers in store :evil: . Thank goodness YS didn't have rugby tonight - it's been raining all day. He's coming back tomorrow between 10 and 12.

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I hope it's all sorted soon.


I'm sure Egluntine, like me, can remember ............houses with no central heating? Liberty bodices? Jack Frost on the inside of the bedroom windows?.... the sprint from the mat by the bedside, slippers on, to get downstairs by the fire?


I take my heating for granted now and I'd really hate to be without it.

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oooh dear. I took my 10 year old out side a few weeks ago to see Jack Frost on the windows of my old mini car as she had never seen it before as we have double glazing.

I have still got my very small fan heater which I was allowed to have in my room in the 70's. I use it at work to keep my feet warm under my desk.

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I'm sure Egluntine, like me, can remember ............houses with no central heating? Liberty bodices? Jack Frost on the inside of the bedroom windows?.... the sprint from the mat by the bedside, slippers on, to get downstairs by the fire?


Oh my! I'd forgotton all about liberty bodices :roll: did yours have little rubber butons to fix them to your skirt? I hated putting on my school shirts they were so cold, my poor LS mother used to hold them up before the fire to warm them up for me :):)




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The boiler man came today to fit the new fan - then discovered there's a fault in a switching thingy too :evil: . The heating's on but as soon as the thermostat temperature is reached in the water tank it'll switch off :( . He's coming back at 9am tomorrow at least - but this'll be the 3rd freezing cold night we've had.


And I went to Argos to buy a fan heater (my mum wants to buy me one even though I will probably never need it again :roll: ) and came home to find that I'd bought a fan rather than a heater :evil: . Cold air, just what we need :roll: .


To top it all, I've had to take the car to the garage - the brakes are playing up.

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And I went to Argos to buy a fan heater (my mum wants to buy me one even though I will probably never need it again :roll: ) and came home to find that I'd bought a fan rather than a heater :evil: . Cold air, just what we need :roll: .


I've done just the same ANH - it was such a good price :roll::oops: I bought it to heat the conservatory :?


I hope it all starts going right soon....... :?


Tessa - no rubber buttons on my liberty bodices! - but my mother did used to warm them in front of the fire :D

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Poor you Vicki.. you have my total sympathies.


When my old boiler broke down, luckily, I had the stove and could use it to heat up the living room and to boil pans of water for washing.


Anyone else remember the Winter of Discontent? Miners on strike and no electrics... candles everywhere... no heating and no hot water.. cooking on a gaz stove :roll:

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I hope it's all sorted soon.


I'm sure Egluntine, like me, can remember ............houses with no central heating? Liberty bodices? Jack Frost on the inside of the bedroom windows?.... the sprint from the mat by the bedside, slippers on, to get downstairs by the fire?



I can!!


I can still picture the mat by my bedside....it was green and it has a picture of a spaniel on it. Good Lord....I haven't thought about it in over 40 years!!


Lino was very cold on bare feet.

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