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Goosey Lucy


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This gave me something to think and smile about yesterday.


I was stopped by a friend yesterday who wants to bring her daughters to meet my hens as they watched Jamie on tv and are now interested in hens etc.


She went on to ask "How do you know you can eat the eggs? I mean, how do you know they've not got a chick inside?" I explained that we only had girls and that they lay an egg every day more or less. She looked confused so I tried to elaborate. I explained that hens are like women, we produce an egg every 28 days or so, it only results in a baby if it is fertilised by a man. No man=no baby. Hens are the same except they produce an egg every 24 hours or so, no cockerel=no chick, only an egg.


She looked even more confused. "What do you mean you don't need a man to produce an egg? I thought the man made it happen?" :shock: So I explained again that she ovulates every month, that's why she has a period, if the egg hasn't been fertilised you have a period.


I swear she doesn't believe me. There was another mum there who also didn't seem to understand what I was talking about.


And they have 5 children between them!


She also said that she had bought her first free-range chicken in the supermarket that day, she was about to pick her usual standard bird but felt everyone was watching her, disapprovingly so picked the free range bird instead.


I can understand people not knowing about a hen's reproductive cycle but she seemed completely ignorant of her own biology! And she's not young, either!

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Yes, I was really surprised and shocked. I worry about how many people are unaware of their bodies and how they work. Of all the mums I know, she's not someone I would have thought wouldn't know such basic information. She has two girls as well so unless they pay attention at school they are going to grow up not knowing how their bodies work either.

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It's just that I thought she was quite intelligent and aware!


Just goes to show, you can never tell...


I've done Sex Ed classes for 10 year olds, never thought I'd be giving them for 30+ year olds!


I just wonder what else she doesn't know!


We're going out as a big group tomorrow night, what myths and white lies can I put into the conversation?

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That level of ignorance is a bit scary - if she's a fairly well educated person goodness knows what some of the rest of the population think is going on "down there". It's lucky that schools tell kids far more than in our day, hopefully they'll be informed enough to pass it on to their kids.


What on earth do they think periods are for :shock::roll: .

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GL - I was going to say how you'll be able to tell your group about all the things they could catch from toilet seats............ :roll: but some littlies may believe me if they read it here :(:roll:


Can't you get pregnant from loo seats too??? :lol::wink:


Thats how it happened for me :D I no longer sit but hover :wink:

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GL - I was going to say how you'll be able to tell your group about all the things they could catch from toilet seats............ :roll: but some littlies may believe me if they read it here :(:roll:


Can't you get pregnant from loo seats too??? :lol::wink:


Thats how it happened for me :D I no longer sit but hover :wink:


You can get 'up the duff' from sitting on some seats too - we had a pregnant seat in the last place I worked:roll:


Lesley - I was found under the rhubarb leaves; no gooseberry bushes in my folks' garden :?

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You wouldn't believe some of the 'misconceptions' I heard when I ran a Youth Sexual Health drop-in clinic - couldn't put any of them on here though


Ooh please tell, I can try some out tomorrow!


I did have to tell a Year 5 lad not to hit his upstanding member with a brick once. :shock: The other lads suggested he use two! (Boys can be so cruel :lol: ) This was only in a discussion in class, it wasn't happening at the time :oops:

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