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Recommend an Iron - Decision Time!

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My iron has broken :( I was making a bag and the iron dribbled everywhere, all over the ironing board cover, causing an orange stain from the foam underneath to stain my fabric :evil: I think it's because I dropped it a couple of weeks ago :oops:


Anyway, I think I'd like one of those steam generator irons. I only iron what I need to, but 4 men in the house do produce quite a lot! I've been looking on ebay and amazon but there are so many. It really needs to be under £100 (the further under the better), so can anyone recommend a good one? Thank you! :D

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I've got one of **these**


I can't recommend it highly enough.


I would say that it cuts your ironing time by a half.


Also, Him Indoors will only wear 100% cotton shirts.:?


It positively whistles through them , and they stay pressed looking all day.


He doesn't come home looking crumpled.


I do find that on the rare occasions that I use fabric conditioner, it builds up on the bottom.


I use it so seldom that it is not a massive problem.

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OK I can't decide between these two:


This one looks good but I don't know how much water the tank holds (and can't seem to find out :? )




This one does everything I want, but has a stainless steel sole plate instead of one of those coated ones.


I'm torn - any pointers gratefully received!

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Eglutine - We've got one of those Steam generator irons too! I adore it, my ironing is so quick & I love swooshing the steam!!! Never again will I worry about that pile of ironing for my holidays! They are brilliant! I couldn't go back to a normal iron now & if mine ever broke I'd have to replace it with another steam generator asap!



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You dont need a non stick sole plate with a steam iron - the iron does not get so hot as to burn things - works on steam not radiant heat so easy that one.


Ah, thanks Susan, that's useful to know! :D


Thank you for all the other suggestions - the Tefals look great, but I think I'm going to go with a cheaper option. I think. Not sure yet :roll::x Oh, someone decide for me please! :?

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aaah - I wish I hadn't read this thread! Now I want one! This is what happened when I read the steam cleaner thread, although that was worth it just to see my oven looking so clean.


Trouble is, you still have to stand there and push the bloomin' thing back and forth, don't you? I want one that does it for me! :wink:

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I have had a de Longhi steam generator iron for a couple of years, and it does make ironing much easier. (But it but has possibly been dropped one too many times so will need replacing soon.)


I watch Ideal World about once a year, but the one time I did I picked up a useful tip for ironing over-dry clothes - turn the temp down, but don't reduce the steam. So long as it isn't so low that the water dribbles out, you get a damper iron (if you see what I mean). I always used to have the temp turned up high because I was doing mainly cotton and linen, but I have found it works much better on the middle temp for everything.



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