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Seething - help me calm down,please

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Ok, this is the story.


Hubby is going snowboarding in Meribel on Sunday with a friend,a cousin & a friend of the cousins. We booked the holiday & paid in full on my Mastercard.


We have had the money (£500) from everyone but the cousins friend,who then informed us a couple of days ago that he now cannot come as his car tyres were slashed & its cost him £900 to replace them.Today he also lost his job.Needless to say,he didn't get travel insurance,despite my telling them all to :roll:


Hubby says its fine,he will pay us his £500 when he gets another job.


I say no, actually,its not fine & if he didn't have the money in the first place why did he even say he could come?

My MC payment is due in 2 weeks.


I want to send a letter asking for the £500 in 4 weeks or we take it to Small Claims - Hubby says I am being shrewish,mean minded & unreasonable :?


Your thoughts please.........

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no wonder you're seething! I would be.


It sounds like this bloke knows exactly what hes doing and your nice husband is too nice and matey is taking advantage.


£900 for 4 tyres :shock: must be some posh car!!! i thought our landrover's tyres were dear at £400!


I would be mad.


Sorry, not helping you calm down much am i?! :roll:

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I think you should seethe .....then get them to sort it out between them eg is there another friend who could go in his place?


Here's hoping you have got over the initial shock and have sorted something out?


Maybe they could all chip in to pay you back? Including hubby :D


And I suppose its a lesson learned - don't stump up for people you don't know? It was a kind gesture but its a lot of money to lose.

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Sarah i would be spitting feathers too! :evil:


One thing that really gets me is people who make a commitment and back out at the 11th hour without a valid reason.


I wouldnt send him a letter in anger though as this may come back and bite you on the bum :shock: however i would write a very straightforward reply explaining that you were kind enough to book the holiday on your card and that he should be expected to pay his share now irrespective of whether or not he can make it.


If he hasnt already I would get cousin to pop round and have a word in his shell too - explaining things in plain English about responsibility and being trustworthy enough to honour the agreement.


I do hope this has a happy ending :pray:

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I would be seething too :evil: .


Perhaps you could tell him that you can't afford to pay off his £500 on your Mastercard so you'll have to pass on the interest charged to him? (You could pay it off in case that backfires, but the threat might make him think about stumping up?)


Make sure he knows that the longer he takes to pay up, the more the "interest" will accrue.

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Thats a good point. Charge him interest on his debt untill it clears. You may not be in a position to pay his £500.00 debt off for him. Why should you suffer being out of pocket to the tune of £500.00.


Sarah, im not surprised you are hopping mad. I would be too. Its so difficult being in this situation, buying tickets etc for others on your card. It needs to be made plain it is HIS problem.


Try and get the cousin to sort it out in a nice way first, this may well sort out in the next few days, without the pain. If not, go for the big guns....

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Good lord!


It is certainly not your responsibility to pay this jerks share of the holiday.


Did you get any committment in writing initially in writing from him re the booking of the hol?


Any case against him would be stronger if you had.


I's be inclined to speak to him first. He may see reason and stump up.


If he fobs you off then I'd threaten him with the Small Claims Court.


It should be easy enough to get a judgement against him, although time consuming.


Enforcing the judgement afterwards is not always so easy.


You can check whether he has any other judgements by contacting


**The Registry Trust**. There is a fee of £8 I'm afraid.


Still...if you find he has heaps of judgements you might decide it is not worth pursuing.


The cousin should take a share of the responsibility/loss if you decide not to go down that route.

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Oh dear, you poor thing. I think I would have reacted in the same way Sarah.


He really nees to pay you and shouldn't have made that commitment if he wasn't sure in the first place (on eof my bug-bears). I've been bitten before and now ask for money up front in any dealings.





Do you want to borrow the chainsaw?


You could offer to bury him c/o OH's cement mixer :D8)


Never mess with an Italian... revenge is always sooo sweet :wink:

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I think you're absolutely right to be seething - I'd be beside myself! However, in the cold light of day, a letter sent in the heat of your anger may, as someone else so rightly said, come back and bite you.


I don't think you can blame the cousin - he's not responsible for his friend, although perhaps he could have warned you (I bet this guy has done it before). I would get the sopcalled friend's number, if you don't already have it, and make it very plain that you expect him to pay because you are out of pocket and it's his fault.


However, it might be politic to let the holiday happen before you start threatening recovery etc - what if he decides that if he has to pay, then he's going to go anyway, and they all go away with a horrible atmosphere?


Once it's over, I would definitely write, demand the money, point out that you'll be adding interest, and mention Small Claims Court. If he could find £10k for a car not long ago, he can probably find £500 from somewhere ... unless, of course, he already has some CCJs against his name and has nothing to lose!


What a rotten b... I'll stop there, as this is a family forum!

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I'm guessing this is a lads holiday of sorts.

Tell them you're coming to get your moneys worth no point letting it go to waste. that'll soon get them sorting something out.


Brilliant idea. :lol:


I'd get in touch before the holiday.


He might see reason and do the decent thing.


If he is going to have to stump up he should have the option of getting something for his money.


And it would be no skin off your nose if there is an atmosphere...you won't be there!


As things stand you are £500 quid out of pocket because you did someone a favour.


That must have created an atmosphere in itself!


Threaten to flog the hol on Ebay...that might make the other chaps realise the seriousness of the situation.

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Wish I could Bronze,but who would look after the children? :lol:


He is 100% not going, & its too late to add anyone else on in his place,which would cost another £75 anyway.


He is getting the letter,but I will wait until they are back,a week tomorrow, until I send it.

The money isn't really the issue - Hubby will pay it off the card - its more the fact that Hubby isn't that worried about being paid back himself :roll:

He is just too nice,& people sometimes take advantage of that.


In this case I am simply not having it.


We have all his details from the holiday booking, & his name is on all the documentation as proof he was going to be a part of the holiday.


If he had just spent £20 on insurance,this would all be a moot point as he could have claimed his money back anyway



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The money isn't really the issue - Hubby will pay it off the card - its more the fact that Hubby isn't that worried about being paid back himself :roll:

He is just too nice,& people sometimes take advantage of that.


In this case I am simply not having it.


I hadn't realised that (not that it's any of my business! :lol:)


At least you aren't out of pocket.


We have all his details from the holiday booking, & his name is on all the documentation as proof he was going to be a part of the holiday.


Then you will have no trouble getting a CCJ against him. For that amount I think it will cost you about £38 to initiate proceedings.


If he had just spent £20 on insurance,this would all be a moot point as he could have claimed his money back anyway


Then he is an idiot who deserves what is coming.


Make sure the judge knows this.


All this upset for the cost of a round of drinks.


You could have had another cube for the £500.!


Good luck.



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