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Tessa the Duchess

How to peel an egg

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very clever but has you have said I am not sure I would want one that had been peeled like that by anyone else, that said I must try it sometime. I did notice on the close up shot that the white on the egg ewas split when it came out.


I thought they had white eggs in the US I was right :D

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Must remember to exhale and not inhale when I have a go! :lol:



:lol::lol::lol::lol: just imagine...


I think next time I get a hard boiled egg served to me anywhere else than home, I will just have to ask the waiter/waitress about their peeling method!! Just in case!!

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I've got to give that a go :lol: Not very hygenic though :lol:


No, especially if the egg has come out of our nest where the hens like to sleep. And poo. :vom::D:wink:



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