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I'm so upset

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I had to go to the hospital today to have a lump removed.


I went in and the chap said lets have a look, I said well you can't really see it today (it goes up and down in size). Anyway he told me he could see it and then dumbed the area. I had no reason to think he could not see it!


Anyway I'm home now and looked in the mirror about an hour ago as it did not seem to hurt in the right area, and he's removed something else (who knows what) and the lump is still there :? !!!!!!


I just can't beleive it!


Not only has my hubby taken time of work today to look after our son, but also I am now in pain for what I think is no reason, plus I will have to go back again!!!!!!! :cry::roll::(


I am very upset!!!!!!


Not only that my chook is still poorly and I have been trying to look after her round all of this today (see chicken clinic)!!!!


What an awful day!!!!


Rant over - sorry :oops:

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Gosh Michelle, that's awful, you poor thing. What on earth was he thinking about? You absolutely HAVE to complain, that's hugely negligent. Never mind the fact that you've gone through a procedure for no reason, you've still got to go through it again. I'm absolutely incredulous and appalled on your behalf.

Having ranted and gone on I hope you manage to get some sleep tonight, you poor thing, I really feel for you.


Mrs Bertie

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Thanks for that, I fee worse today as I'm all sore but I feel better about complaining! I don' like upsetting people so was feeling really worried about ringing up at 9 this morning, now I don't feel so bad, as clearly you all think that I have a right to be upset about this!


Chicken no better this morning, I will go off to the other post to tell you all about that!


Thanks again

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I shouldn't give a moments thought about upsetting them.


If they have done the "wrong" operation someone will need their hands slapping and there will have to be an investigation.


Stand firm and demand to speak to the consultant.


There ought to be some sort of Patient Liaison Group too. The hospital website will give you the contact details.


Good luck.


Let us know how you get on.

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I'm not sure I can get cross enough to ask to speak to the 'man with the knife' I would just disolve into tears! I'm not feeling the most secure at the moment :oops: . I will try very hard thought :? !!!!


I can understand you feeling a bit nervous about it....just remember he is an employee, and that a member of his team has done the wrong procedure and caused you to have an unnecessary operation. You have got him with his back to the wall.


Not meaning to sound aggressive....but that is how it is.


If you feel a bit intimidated....picture him in shorts. That will put his grandeur into perspective.



Can you take someone with you for a bit of moral support when you go in?


Jot down the points you want to raise, so that they don't go straight out of your head the minute someone answers the phone.


Courage mon brave!

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Good luck this morning, you don't have to be angry and shout at him. All you have to do with him is arrange to have the correct procedure done. So point out to him that the lump is still there and tell him that you want it removed either today or on a very near date. I would imagine it's FAR too soon for you to be able to be objectively angry, you've got enough to deal with with the operation etc never mind the negligence. The issue of them having done the wrong thing can be taken up later when you're feeling stronger and calmer. Someone said on here about a patient liason group, they'd be a good point to start with I'm sure they'd help you. To my mind this is really serious, whoever operated GOT IT WRONG. We're all only human but to operate incorrectly could have had very serious consequences and it needs to be addressed at a high level. Maybe I'm getting it out of proportion but I'm still completely gobsmacked at this. Sorry, you don't need to hear me ranting, I really hope you get some results today as far as a new date is concerned.


Lots of love


Mrs B

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To my mind this is really serious, whoever operated GOT IT WRONG. We're all only human but to operate incorrectly could have had very serious consequences and it needs to be addressed at a high level.


Absolutely Mrs B.


Imagine if they taken the wrong leg off or removed the wrong kidney.

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I will try very hard to remain calm when I talk to them. I know there department is really busy and the waiting time for appointments is really long so I guess they will have no appointments to fit me in anyway!


With regard to marking, the op was in my mouth, so lucky for me, that will not be an issue, but it does mean I have a very swollen mouth this morning for no Beeping reason.


Talking about operations done that should not be done, my ex's Mum went in to have a hip replacement done, they did the wrong hip!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :shock: . When she tryed to make an objection they just told her that she would have needed that one done anyway! :shock:


How people get compensation for these things is beyond me, it's hard enough enough just to get a simple sorry! I guess that would be admitting fault :roll:

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I will try very hard to remain calm when I talk to them. I know there department is really busy and the waiting time for appointments is really long so I guess they will have no appointments to fit me in anyway!


With regard to marking, the op was in my mouth, so lucky for me, that will not be an issue, but it does mean I have a very swollen mouth this morning for no Beeping reason.


Talking about operations done that should not be done, my ex's Mum went in to have a hip replacement done, they did the wrong hip!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :shock: . When she tryed to make an objection they just told her that she would have needed that one done anyway! :shock:


How people get compensation for these things is beyond me, it's hard enough enough just to get a simple sorry! I guess that would be admitting fault :roll:


FOR GOODNESS SAKE!! The wrong hip? Needed doing anyway?? Unbelieveable! And yes, you can get compensation and they don't need to admit fault, they can pay compensation on the basis that you shut up and they admit nothing, they don't put it like that but that's what it really is. And as for having to go back on the waiting list, I don't bloomin' think so. It's funny how quickly you can move up the list if you start mentioning local papers, or local radio stations. They need to put you right back at the front of the list. You were at the top yesterday and they have not performed the op you were waiting for. Oooooh, give me their number, I'll give them a kick up the bum!


Mrs Bertie

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I am even more upset now! :cry:


I phoned up and told the reception te problem. She said I wold need to speak to the surgeon, she then said and I quote 'obviously and as you can appriciate you are not as important as todays patients' :shock::eh: Ignoring her rudeness I asked when he would call and she said 'later'. :roll:


So really big help! :x


I quite cross now!!!!!

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I am even more upset now! :cry:


I phoned up and told the reception te problem. She said I wold need to speak to the surgeon, she then said and I quote 'obviously and as you can appriciate you are not as important as todays patients' :shock::eh: Ignoring her rudeness I asked when he would call and she said 'later'. :roll:


So really big help! :x


I quite cross now!!!!!


Oooooooohh :evil::evil: What on earth are they playing at? :evil: I'm probably not helping. Sorry. Ring back and DEMAND to speak either to the surgeon, the consultant or the hosiptal manager and tell them you will not be fobbed off. Give them a deadline like "someone in a position to do something had better ring me back by 11 or I'm calling BBC Southeast or wherever you are." That should get them moving. As for not being as important, you WERE the person who was most important yesterday and they have FAILED in their duty of care to you. In fact to avoid a scandal they should be putting everyone back half and hour and putting you first"!!


Go and have a cuppa my dear, hope you get a good result later on. Kick some a**e


Mrs Bertie

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