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I sometimes visit other forums, usually an expat on. However i find that some of the posts so easily turn personal and nasty :( When i first went on another forum having only ever been on this one I was in for a real shock :shock: I assumed that all forums were as lovely as this one :doh: It makes me not want to contribute to the other one which is a real shame :(

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I must say I was a bit -nervy about joining this forum as I was a forum 'virgin' but I must say you are all a lovely bunch (a bit weird at times - but lovely).

I live in the middle of knowhere - and am a 'stay at home mum' so I am finding the omlet forum a real day saver :P

From what you have said - Glad I picked this one and not another

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I have to agree, Paola. I used to be a member of lots of other forums but have cut it right back to just this one (and its American cousin, of course :wink: ) because of the nasty, sanctimonious postings that appear elsewhere by people who really should know better than to belittle people for having a point of view. I've got to the point now where some forums have been removed from my favourites list as I just don't want to go there anymore.


This is home :D .

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I've dipped my toe into other fora from time to time....and like everyone else, haven't lingered for long.


Too many nasty people.


I occasionally look things up, but don't contribute....unless it is an anti Eglu rant, and then I stir it for all I'm worth! :lol:


I'm very comfortable with this forum, and now look upon many other members as friends.

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There are some friendly forums out there, for both poultry and other topics, but I get the impression that they are the exception rather than the rule. Also, no offence, guys, but the female-dominated forums I go to tend to be a lot more civilised :)


I belong to quite a few forums but most of them (e.g. the various IT forums) I only visit when I have specific problems I need to solve. Likewise I go to pekinbantams.com for specialist information about bantams and to get in touch with breeders. But for ordinary gossip and chat, there are only a couple of forums I hang out at - and this one is currently my favourite :)

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There are some friendly forums out there, for both poultry and other topics, but I get the impression that they are the exception rather than the rule.


I agree, I belong to a couple of mailing lists mainly to do with literature and they are generally very friendly places to hang out. One of them is populated with mainly Americans and I discovered quite early on that US folk haven't grasped the concept of irony and sarcasm in the way we Brits use it in every day conversation, have to be very careful how I word things so as not to upset people :roll::roll: Mailing lists don't have those handy emoticons to exlain one's meaning :(



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Note I never actually said any of you were mad just that they were as mad as you. That could mean perfectly sane of course :lol::silenced:


Dont go insulting us and calling us 'sane'!! :roll:


That will never do! :wink::lol::lol::lol:


Calm down Emma :wink::lol::lol: :lol: :roll::wink:


Bronze only said could be sane...........we all know no one here is :wink:

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I have to agree, Paola. I used to be a member of lots of other forums but have cut it right back to just this one (and its American cousin, of course :wink: ) because of the nasty, sanctimonious postings that appear elsewhere by people who really should know better than to belittle people for having a point of view. I've got to the point now where some forums have been removed from my favourites list as I just don't want to go there anymore.


This is home :D .


Have you cut down on your other modding activities Kate?


You had about four I seem to recall!

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I agree. I dont go on any other forums at all and 'lurked' on this one for some while before deciding to join in. I had a look at the river cottage one but decided that was even too much for me. Im really not that interested in people being really opinionated. We all have our opinions but they may not neccesarily be shared by others and none of us is right all the time.


I have used another poultry site but went a bit off it. I read a post writian to another poster which got a bit personal and that scared me off. I thought well it could be me next time if I dont 'say' the right thing.


This forum is just full of nice friendly banter about things that I am interested in and if you want to ask a question about a poorly chookie or a recipie or just a moan or groan hey presto some kind soul will come to your rescue with an answer or some kind words.


Good work Omlet forum!

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Have you cut down on your other modding activities Kate?


You had about four I seem to recall!


Yes indeed I have :lol: . I've dropped one forum completely as it became horrendous. I've asked if I can give up on RC as well and don't go to the other forum much at all anymore so expect to see that I've been quietly removed from their mods ranks too before long..............so it's just you lot to look after now and you're far less troublesome :wink: .

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This is a very laid back forum, the most laid-back of all the fora I've been on, there is a big-hearted feeling here which is hard to beat. I have disagreed with people on here but never fallen out with anyone.

I gave up on horsey ones because the people there were appaulingly arrogant and rude. The only other I contribute to is now the official James May fan forum which is frankly a hoot and peopled by lovely quick-witted ladies of all ages, in fact we are meeting up in London tomorrow!

Omlet has always been a mine of information and a good giggle over a cup of coffee in the morning, its a community to be proud of.

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I'm also a member on other forums (fora?), but really only use them for information and reference now as the 'feel' and people aren't nearly as good as this one.


I have made some lovely friends on this forum, and we have shared some great times, and helped each other through some low times too.

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