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The Courier muppets bemuse me once more!

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Well Cathy's ill fated Valentines guitar showed up today.


I must admit it is a beautiful instrument and plays and sounds wonderful.


I checked on the order tracking thing today at work to discover that it had been delivered and had been signed for by a Mr F.Porch :shock:

Who on earth is he!


I quickly realised that the muppet had left the very expensive parcel in our front porch where anyone could just wander off with it!


It was fairly obvious from the packaging what it contained. :evil:


I am only grateful the fool didn't lob it over the back garden fence.


What is it with these people? I am sure he would have insisted on a signature had it been a box of teabags.


Oh well no harm done I suppose. :roll:



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A regular courier I use says his company allow them to leave parcles in any porch that has a closing external door on it,& they regularly do this which is great for me as they deliver weekly & I am often not in.


To sign for it as Mr Porch is really stupid,though :roll:

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It is never a good idea to question the sense or logic behind a delivery company's delivery policy........you'll just end up :wall::wall::wall::wall:


Too true.......I had the following converstaion last Friday/Saturday......


"Can we deliver your parcel tomorrow"


"Yes, can I give you directions as we're difficult to find?"


"That's OK - the driver has Satnav"


" He won't find us with Satnav"


"He'll have your number if he has any problems"


......... you can imagine what Saturday morning was like.


The driver called to say he was on his way.... I said "can I give you directions?" "No, I've got Satnav" ...................


I had a phone call ages after to say "I'm in Moreton Morrell and can't find you"


Six miles away! :shock: I've always assumed it's because the male delivery drivers don't like taking directions from a woman..... but I'm not so sure now after reading your post Kev. :roll:

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we have had parecels left in the basket we keep carrots in by the front door (because they are too muddy for the fridge). :shock:


We ordered an internet radio last month from Amazon and paid the extra for delivery by midday on the Saturday. Midday came and went so we decided to track the parcel at which point we found that they claimed to have tried to deliver at 9am we were all in the house so there is no way that the doorbell went and they left no card. When we queried this they said that sometimes they run out of cards and as if to prove that they had tried they said oh you have a brown front door, well I am sure that can be said of a lot of people. We think the Saturday driver wanted to finish early therefore claimed he had been when he hadn't :(

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I've discovered parcels in my blue recycling bin before now.


I suppose it saves me the bother of going to the depot to pick it up.....but if I hadn't noticed.... :?


I had exactly that once Egluntine - my aunt had handmade some beautiful nightdresses for Rosie, using lace that had been made by my grandma. She sent them to me at home; despite there being a little note on the door asking them to pop any deliveries to Phill a few doors up, they put it in the blue recycling bin... which... yes, you've guessed.. was then emptied.


Although they had no real monetary value, the sentimental loss was immeasurable. Even Rosie, who was 4 at the time thought it was a stupid thing to do when I told her.


I got onto the Royal Mail and I have to say that they were fantastic.. I got financial compensation and the postie got brain surgery. Still didn't get the nightdresses though :roll::evil:

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Clare, that's terrible. I'd be devastated the same. Something money could never replace.


The other thing that gets me wound up about thoughtless delivery men, is when they leave a telephone book or a catalogue right in the middle of the door. If you are out for the day, or in my case, overnight at parents, it's so obvious that "Ooops, word censored!"ody is in when the thing is still there hours or days later.


Luckily I have very nosey neighbours (:roll:) who will take things in left on our doorstep.

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Last time I had something delivered, I heard the letterbox rattle at about 7.00 am ... no doorbell or anything so I didn't rush downstairs. When I did get down there, it was a note from the courier saying 'left in back garden'. This was despite the fact that the seller had insisted a signature would be needed, and so I'd arranged a morning at home :roll:


At least it was there .... several times I have had a 'we called, but you weren't in' note when I have been in the house. I swear that DHL couriers in particular are trained to tiptoe up the front path, blow on the doorbell and then silently poke the note through the letterbox, it cuts down on the length of their round that way!

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several times I have had a 'we called, but you weren't in' note when I have been in the house. I swear that DHL couriers in particular are trained to tiptoe up the front path, blow on the doorbell and then silently poke the note through the letterbox, it cuts down on the length of their round that way!


I get that too Olly :roll:

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It can work in your favour though. Parcels for us get left on the step by most people, our postie actually signs for recorded or special delivery if we are out!


My wormery was a different matter though, they couldn't find us and were just totally useless, then it went back and they sent another one out. Eventually they found us but delivered the wrong wormery. They were then due to come on the Saturday morning to do a doorstep swapover for the correct wormery. Saturday morning, they didn't knock but just left the new wormery on the doorstep - "Ooops, word censored!"ody has ever been in touch about the other one - I must get round to sticking it on Ebay!

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Couriers can't find us - our post code directs them to an entirelly different village, 10 miles down the road when they plug it into their Sat-Nav, so we often get phone calls asking for directions. All we have to say is, 'It's the Balamory Houses', and they know exactly where they're going. In fact, we always put that in the 'special instructions' box whenever we order online now. :lol::lol::lol:

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At our last house the bay window only had two small top opening windows which we left open most of the time during the summer. We were woken up one morning by an almighty crash, bang, whallop :shock: from the living room to find that ParcelForce had dropped a package through the window rather than ringing the bell and asking us to sign!! :roll:


Luckily, the package only contained a couple of CD's and the noise was them landing in a wooden floor.


Good job my Ming vase was out for restoration :wink:

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There is a new estate in our village and one of the new roads is only 1 letter different to ours, ie Fell Road/Bell Road. The other day I had a long argument with a parcelforce driver who wanted to leave me something that was for the other road and who wouldn't believe it existed because it wasn't on his satnav :roll: Then the other morning I had a call from our Tesco delivery driver to say he was sat outside the house but no one was answering the door. He also had trouble believing that, despite being stood outside my own front door, I still couldn't see him! :roll::lol:

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We've usually been lucky, except on two occasions... Once a postman threw a parcel over the side gate in the garden and didn't leave a card... the parcel landed in a bush, and wasn't found until... more than a year down the line... soggy, but still alright...

Another time, a delivery man decided to hide a box of wine UNDER THE CAR!!!! And also didnt leave a note... I did notice the box under the car, but hate to think what would have happened if I'd just got in and driven off!!


Many mail order companies stipulate that they will not agree to leave parcels in bins... maybe couriers and royal mail should also make that decision... leaving something in a bin is just looking for trouble!!

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In defence of DHL; our DHL driver is Tracey, and she's BRILLIANT!!!

She really goes the extra mile for everyone, and everyone knows her,and likes her. She's dead efficient, and we all help each other out if we can. Currently started using a Co. called Parcels to go, and they're incredibly reasonable, and use DHL as a network, for lots less ££

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We're lucky we always have the same postman who is a village institution. Helped the kids do scout post at Christmas when a lot of the cards didn't have proper addresses he told them where each card needed to go. He always arranges for a neighbour to sign for a delivery if you're out rather than make people go to tthe depot. (I sign for lots as I'm usually in). His round must take him a while as he spends time talking to the recently bereaved etc.


We also have a regular set of friendly parcelforce guys and one of them in particular is very cheery. Working from home I'm usually in but if I'm not they know where to leave stuff so I'll find it. Had a bad experience with a courier company when I really wanted the delivery that day. Claimed no one was in, eventually admitted they hadn't tried to deliver and I ended up going to their depot to get my parcel. :evil:

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We have had many a parcel put in the wheelie bin. However we havnt lost one to the dustbin men yet. We had a lovley postie who would put parcels in my shed. I think he just likes going to see the chickens :lol:

He would also sign for my recorded deliverys as well, which to be honest was a great help.

He is off sick at the mo :cry: and we have a stand in :roll: not good!!

I belive that if you state that your delivery can be left anywhere ie.shed or porch etc you are not covered if it goes walkies. I always did this 'if not in leave in....' but having been warned by someone whilst ordering something that this was the case I no longer do this. If they make the choice to leave it without my say so then I figure its their own fault if it dissappers not mine.

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We're very lucky to have Keith the super-postie, who looks out for everyone, signs for our parcels and hides them then pops a note through the door so we'll know they're there.


He screens out the brown envelopes that someone keeps sending to my Mum from Amsterdam :shock: , which contain pornographic materials that would make your toes curl. Just bins them at the depot since she told him about the problem.




I once had a parcel left in the bottom of my empty wheelie bin. I was 8 months pregnant and hadn't seen my feet for weeks, let alone been able to reach them, so couldn't reach the parcel. OH was away at work.


I phoned to complain to the delivery company and they laughed openly :evil: . I wasn't impressed.

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