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I am so scared.


All the orders ive placed have been arriving for my new business, the contracts have been signed, insurance has been sorted out, and in a few more days the website should be completed.


Im starting to have a mini panic attack, [ok, not so 'mini']


I know theres worse things i should be worrying about, but i keep thinking,




I worried i wont succeed, i wont do well, ill become this failure who everyone laughs at.




Is everyone else in business like this? DO TELL ME!!!!


Im more worried about this, than i was when i was pregnany awaiting seths arrival.



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The unknown is always a bit scary, but it is also exciting too. When I first opened my business I was very nervous, but it was such hard work that after a while I didn't have time to have doubts or negative thoughts, just had to get on with it. Of course I made some mistakes, and probably so will you, but you learn and move on. Do not listen to toxic people making negative remarks. You have worked very hard to get this going, try and stay positive.

I wish you every success in your new venture.


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My parents in law were very negative when we set up our own business, as they had always worked in the public sector in nice "safe" jobs and thought we were being mad. Luckily, we weren't (I think :lol: ) and it's going really well.


I can't offer any advice about your website based business as I've no experience in this area, it seems like you've got a creative flair and I wish you all the luck in the world. If you didn't try it, you would always be wondering.


Try and read some positive books, I find this really helps - If you havn't got time, listen to some on audio.



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Wouldn't it be nice to get support from parents and close ones instead of discouraging comments?

I agree with everyone else on here, fairy&cake, go for it... I have no personal experience of having my own business, but you seem to be working really hard on this and though I'm sure there will be moments of doubt and the occasional scary times, if you don't do it you will most likely always regret it... There is no reason to fear the worst, so hope for the best and trust your hard work will be rewarded... best of luck, and keep with it...


We omleteers are always here to give a moral boost too :)

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I think what you are feeling is quite normal, but as someone on here has just posted you will soon be too busy to worry about "Have I done the right thing"..... In years to come you would always regret having not taken that step and sometimes in life there is never a "right time" to do a lot of things ... Go for it girl... I bet your Mum for one will be thrilled to be proved wrong. :wink:

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Thanks guys.


Unfortunatly my Mother will only be one thing if it succeeds.......





Shes a bit of a strange woman to say the least. If its not something she can get in 5 mins, shes not interested. My dad spoils her rotten, its ridiculous.




I feel better after venting, another delivery just came and the feling came back, heart in mouth. LOL


Oh well, i better crack on.

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You should follow your heart and your feelings. Sounds like you've worked hard on this and you'll never know unless you try. Don't want to spend the rest of your life wondering what if?


Wish I had your nerve and get up and go :wink:



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Honey, you've done the tough bit, the build up is the worst bit; from my seat, you.

've got to give it a go, as if it goes west, so what, you tried, and you've learnt heaps on the way.

Ignore the negatives, theres always those to put anything new down, focus on the positives. Do the best you can, and be happy you are doing the best you can. Parents aren't perfect, we all want to be different to them, but find out we never are totally!! I hear myself saying things my mum said, which can be a bit unnerving!!Remember they made you who you are, so they didn't get it all wrong, or you wouldn't have the drive to do what you're doing'

Go for it, you'll be fine! We'll all support you anyway, and from personal experience, that is more than gold, and just a joy.

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In my experience I think you're right to be scared, we both gave up steady reasonably good/safe jobs to run our own business. The position you find yourself in now is the easier side of running a business, spending your own money on supplies, web-site etc isn't that hard. The next step is the hard part, getting people aware of your products, getting contracts/sales and completing the deal with them hassle free so that they return to you again.

Once customers start returning the work becomes even harder with more orders/contracts and still only 24 hours in a day. As a new business you will be keen to take all orders/contracts but with a family around you it will become difficult managing time for family/business in the early years. We find regularly we are working well into the evening/weekends just to keep up with business work, even in a small business paperwork (usually financial) is always outstanding, and there are always telephone/email queries.

That said, becoming self employed is one of the best decisions we have made and probably should of done it sooner, again something that you learn.

Good luck, you may need some :wink:

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I agree with Clash! Speaking as someone who has always worked for others, but for the last 3 years being self employed (albeit with different hats on at different times!) I'd say stick with it! Think positive, yes it's hard work, but so worth it. Take no notice of negative comments - OK there are no guarentees, but if you don't try, you'll never know and will always regret not having tried.


All the best Laura - I'm sure you will be absolutely fine. Spread your wings and fly girl! 8)

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I think that you should give at a go :D


well, come on, whats the worse that could happen? - you end up with a house full of interesting bits and pieces (that you can sell on ebay anyway :D )


it will be hard work, but it wouldnt be worth doing if it was easy :D


lots of luck and hugs :D:D




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Hi Laura - Don't panic! Having your own business is very up & down but balances out. Some days you have no orders, other days you have soooo many you don't know if you are coming or going. I've already mention MH Couriers direct for heavy items.

Money spent on google adwords, is money well spent - but choose your keywords carefully.

If you need any help at all or business advice let us know - if I can't help you - hubby will.

You have to take risks in life - they are there to challenge you. I think you will do very very well. Apart from markets - where can you buy fabrics etc these days?

Oh by the way, we are away this Easter near to Bridgnorth - Denn Farm (Chelmarsh)...but we have our internet phones with us - so I may check on the forum...So if you need help..shout up!


Take no notice of your mum...mine is the same - jealous! They sound out of the same pod to me! :roll:


Good luck, deep breaths - you'll do fab!



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