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Childrens Books and Rod Campbell

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Is anyone else in love with Rod Campbell books?


I bought the 'big book' of Dear Zoo last week and fell in love with it.


I went onto Amazon and bought every Rod Campbell book and they arrived today, they are so lovely, eth loves them.


I love childrens books so much, and luckily we got Amazon vouchers for christmas.


I also got, 'were all going on a bear hunt'


Miffy and Friends Libarary.


Miffy DVD


Pepper Pig DVD


and a couple of other pop up books.


A book i'd recommend is 'WHats hiding on the Farm' its brilliant, it was a 'Little Tiger Press' book.

Although ours is completely battered about.



My all time fave is The Tiger that came to tea though. I LOVE IT.


Are there any other chilrens book lovers on here?

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lol yeah i childmind so have loads of books around.

I love we're going on a bear hunt too,Dilly Duckling by Claire freedman and Jane Chapman, old favourites like the gingerbread man/three bears etc, Thant's not my.. books and Say hello to the animals oh and loads more !

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They are lovely books! My boys loved them too. They also absolutely adored "Can't you sleep Little Bear" and "Peace at Last". The Percy the Park Keeper books are smashing too. Oh dear, I've gone all nostalgic for children's story books now :lol: .


Kate, "Can't you sleep Little bear" used to be an all time favourite in our house. You've just reminded me of the hours that I must have spent reading that story to the children at bed time. I can still remember great chunks of the narrative even now :D:D:D:D


I miss the bedtime story routine now that they're older and very rarely want to listen to stories any more :(

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My all time fave is The Tiger that came to tea though. I LOVE IT.


Are there any other chilrens book lovers on here?


Big children's books fan here. I kept all my children's faves and am

now reading them to my grandson :) I love 'The Tiger that came to tea',

and 'Would you Rather', and 'My Dad'. My grandson is obsessed with

Thomas The Tank Engine and Bob The Builder :evil: I detest reading

him these stories, and always insist I read him something I like :roll:



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I love "Guess how much I love you"


So do I, unfortunately it bores my boys rigid!


My boys love all the Julia Donaldson/Axel Scheffler (sp?) ones like The Gruffallo and Room on the Broom and some of the Dr Seuss storied (although some they like just to see me get my tongue tangled!)


A current favourite came in the 4 year olds' free book chest and is a picture book by the chap who illustrates Tracy Beaker called 'You Choose' and basically on each page you choose from all the illustrations to make up your own story. They love it and really make up their own story with it.



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I love the Large Family books.


I bought the box set with an audio CD when i wa pregnant.


I also love, The Jolly postman.


I also, cant stand the Thomas the tank books. Seth had one for christmas.


His fave is Dear Zoo though at the moment.


I love all older books, they just dont write them how they used to.


:oops: Seth has nearly 400 books now :oops:


I am also a HUGE miffy / dick bruna fan. Miff is my nickname.


I LOVE miffy.


If you like 'Guess how much i love you' you will LOVE this more :




It descibes the different types of Love, and the rabbits ears are made from fuzzy fabric and the pages feel different.


Its one of my favourite books.



XXXXXXX enjoy it!

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Big big kids book lovers in this house f&C I used to teach infants and my kids are both bookworms.

My youngest still likes picture books

Anything by Julia Donaldson

He also loved the book "you choose" as mentioned in an above post.

Anything by Shirley Huges (the alfie books)

Mog the cat

Kipper the dog and many many many many others


Our 6 year old is just getting into listening to chapter books now and has listened to the Twits, and most of the other age appropriate Roald Dahl books - Just finished Charlottes Web and have gone onto The worst witch.

I think his favourites so far have been the Faraway Tree books (Enid Blyton)

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I dont have any children but I love childrens books!


We have a bookman that comes into work with loads of book samples and i always end up buying them and then giving them away.


I was a real bookworm when i was a kid so I love the fact that you folks let your little ones enjoy books. :D

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We love books in this house too. Favourites are We're going on a bear hunt (love the game too), any Shirley Hughes, Dear Zoo, Stephen Cartright books with the little yellow duck to find on every page, all the traditional books like Goldilocks, Gingerbread man etc.


DD1 is 3 1/2 now and can read well which I put down to our love of books. This means we read a lot of the oxford reading tree scheme too which are pretty good for a reading scheme because they have such great illustrations.


Although we go to the library we own way too many books. For DD1s 3rd birthday we bought her 23 books plus she got others from other people. I just can't help myself I see a good book and I just have to buy it :oops:

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We love 'we're going on a bear hunt' too. We have a great pop-up version by walker books.

When I was out with my 4 yr old the other day she asked if she could have some chicken story books. So we went into a book shop and got the following. They are really modern and great fun.

'Stuck in the mud' by Jane Clarke and Garry Parsons

and 'Hungry Hen' by Ricahard Waring

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Stefan loves most of the books mentioned here too - especially 'Dear Zoo' (Rod Campbell) 'How do you Feel' (Mandy Stanley) Red Rockets and Rainbow Jelly and others in that collection (Sue Heap and Nick Sharrat)...but he also loves Thomas the Tank and will spend hours and hours looking at his 'lift the flap' Thomas nursery book.


I'm not a fan myself, and I have to bite my lip when every birthday, christmas and Easter we get lots of Thomas memorabilia from relatives. I did have to say no at the offer of some Thomas Wallpaper. Yuck!!!!


Still - It's good that he likes to sit and read a book, Thomas or not :D:roll: I guess the message is always a good a good one with Thomas at the end of the day.


I can't wait to start reading my Ladybird Books to him. The Little Red Hen in particular!

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