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Nicola O


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Oh poo, was going to give the eglu's a good scrub out today, but we've got snow. Couldn't do them yesterday coz it was raining and they weren't done last weekend coz it was raining :roll: .


Oh well, just have to run out there, empty the pooh trays and put in the spare roosting bars. I don't suppose the chooks will mind, it's probably just me worried about them being scrubbed spotless .




(the snow is only just starting to settle here, just heard on the news that parts of Lincolnshire have got four to six inches of snow :shock: )

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hehe we've just come in too. We did use the front gardent hough. I wish I could get proper warnings of snow so I can clear up all poo (different varieties) before it snows so I can just let them loose out the back rather than having to watch them.

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hehe we've just come in too. We did use the front gardent hough. I wish I could get proper warnings of snow so I can clear up all poo (different varieties) before it snows so I can just let them loose out the back rather than having to watch them.


Hi - my two kids are out complete with wellies and gloves and 1" of snow!!! Are the chickens allowed out in the snow - their run is clear but they are dying to come out because the kids are in the garden and they are used to coming out when they are playing. Is it okay for them to walk around in the snow???

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hehe we've just come in too. We did use the front gardent hough. I wish I could get proper warnings of snow so I can clear up all poo (different varieties) before it snows so I can just let them loose out the back rather than having to watch them.


Are my chickens allowed out to play in the snow with my kids - we only have about 1/2 cm but the chooks are desparate to get out?? Is it okay for their feet???

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