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Piggies have arrived

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We collected our piglets on Friday and they are all now happy in their new home.

Rather than be blather on about it on here, for those of you who are interested I have started a blog on Vox. I am a bit of a techno numpty so I have done my best... :oops: and I think that this link will work.




Hope those of you who are interested enjoy reading it. :D

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ahhhh, they look very comfy buried in the straw. I'm sitting here eating a ham, cheese and mustard pannini wondering what home grown ham tastes like :whistle::lol:


good luck with both the piggies and the chicks. :dance:


I've got the Bonzo's 'Jollity Farm' stuck in me head now.


"Stuff it up your jumper, vo-do-di-oh"



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Ahhh wow!


Are you rearing them for meat? Or will they be pets?


We want to eventually rear pigs for free range pork. I'd like to do the same with chickens (not for selling, but for our personal consumption) but i have no one who would be prepared to 'do the deed' itsself :roll::oops::lol:


I don't think i'd have a problem plucking them or eating them, it's just the actual culling i don't think i'd be able to do :oops: Terrible aren't i? :oops:


Good luck with your venture! The piglets look adorable! :D

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"Stuff it up your jumper, vo-do-di-oh"




You're gonna have to elaborate on that one Poet before I think you've had too much organic gin :shock::lol:


I wish, no, it's a line from the song "Jollity Farm" :D

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They look so cute buried in the straw. Do you need to shut them in at night or is the door left permanently open?


No we dont have to shut them in. The door kit was an 'optional extra' It will only be used if for some reason we need to split them up. The door is left open all the time.

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