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Ms Tilytinkle

INTRODUCING 'THE GIRLIES' . .. photies !!!!!

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Helloooooooooo All . ..for those fellow chook lovers :) . .as promised . .the photies ..but only possible after some amazing help & guidance from the PC master & superman ethos :)

I have managed to follow instructions & upload photies of girlies . . .if they don't work i'd even tried the blogger bits :0 . .here goes . . .


Meet BODECIA, she is a Medlesham Amber. . . she is independent & loves foraging









introducing CORDELIA, she is a 'Mendlesham Blue' she loves perching & climbing...










this is MEDUSA, she is a Mrs Pepperpot, just loves digging & dustbathing..







and her sister ETHEL . . who has a beautiful brightl orange breast and constantly diggs too ...






Unknown-10.jpg ha see we look totally different .. right!!! ?? :)




and other sister PANDORA :) who is very much darker then the other two pepperpots who just eats & eats . ..








then we introduce AGNUS, the speckled FENNING COUCOU .. the friendliest & most tame & very curious about us & everything . .








and finally happily free ranging . .







Ms Tilyhopesyou'veenjoyedthechooksandbighugtoChristian :D




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Good Morning,

Brrrrrrrr its still rather chilly this morning...roll on the Summer!!!!

Thankyou for your lovely comments, i needed a degree just to open the camera!!!


i can't believe how much I am enjoying having chickens, sharing our garden with chickens - cant imagine the garden without them now. !!!!!.

Actually nor that i would share photies . . preferring always to be a quiet observer . .never wishing really to participate .. yet here i am, daily yakkering, sharing, learning, looking at & admiring all other chooks, admiring their uniqueness & individuality .. before . ..er well they were chickens!!!! All look the same don't they!! Wow - but no . .they're all so different and what antics amuse. Hmmmm

its rather worrying ;)


Anyway . .big clean down of cube & run today . . YUK .. i really need a powerhose & a easy to open hinged front :) and i still don't like the poops, i still wretch . .i know i know ridiculous :)

But anyway thats this afternoon, this morning work first - can't be smelling like chick poo for work :) .. now for coffee to kick start the whole day :)


Ms Tilytickledbyfellowchookenthusiastswarmthandherownmadness

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i can't believe how much I am enjoying having chickens, sharing our garden with chickens - cant imagine the garden without them now. !!!!!.

Ms Tilytickledbyfellowchookenthusiastswarmthandherownmadness


Kinda takes you by surprise doesn't it!


Always a joy to read your posts MsT. :lol:

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Oh, MsTilyfeelingabitqueasyeverytimeyougototherun - feed your girls GARLIC POWDER!


Cuts the smell down amazingly, and the hens don't seem to mind.


Then you will be MsTilysmilingatchickens again!


lovely pictures of the girls.

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