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My girls are coming!

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You might just about remember that last year Oh and I hosted two children from Belarus for a month, it's done through the Cher"Ooops, word censored!"yl Childrens Lifeline. It was our second year of doing it and we said that this year we would invite back one of our girls from the first year with her younge sister. Anyway, it's been a bit tough financially, the company OH was working for has gone belly-up which we knew was coming, so at the end of last year we decided we wouldn't do it this year. Felt bad disappointing Dziana but we just couldn't do it.

Well, heard from the charity last night, just keeping us up to date as they are now getting arrangements under way for this years visit and OH and I ended up yakking late into the night and we've decided to do it! We can't let her down, altho it is expensive having them, and it's hard work. So now I'm SO excited!! Have applied for the relevant annual leave (fingers crossed on that one :pray: ) and OH got busy installing the downstairs shower (getting into our one and only bathroom last year was nigh on impossible!! :lol: )

If any of you have ever thought of doing it I can HIGHLY recommend it.

Not long now, they arrive on July 18th, pray for better weather and roll on the summer!


www.ccll.co.uk (my blog is on there from the first time we did it - Bex's blog)


Mrs B

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im so pleased you are doing it. It is so worthwhile - good on your for doing it !! :D


I would love to do something like that (making a difference) but we dont have kids, do you have to have a family?


Bet the girls cant wait, what a lovely thing to look forward too for them

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i think that's a lovely thing to do and you're prolonging their lives by doing it too. I wish I could read your blog but there's nothing there.


I've never heard of this scheme before but what a brilliant idea.

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Hmmm, the likn doesn't work does it, been so long since I looked at it. Oh well, I'll see if I stored it anywhere, I know I printed it off.


And no, you don't have to have kids, you just have to have fun! There are aunties, uncles, grandparents and people with no kids who host and they all have a great time.


And doesn't matter how many rooms you have although the children or child who stays is supposed to have their own space, my eldest will bunk in with her sister again this year.


It's a real rollercoaster but if you HAVE got children I think it's so good for them. To meet and spend real time with other children who don't have anything like what we have. Depends where they come from but some dont' even have regular electricity or heating, and this is in Europe! :shock:


Life doesn't begin or end in Britain which is a big concept for a younger child to grasp.

We're all really looking forward to it!

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