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Meet my chick!

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Bumble is fine & has drank some water...&.......a Partridge Cochin is Pipped, I can see it's beak and it's trying it's best to cut round the shell with its egg tooth! Woohoo..so Bumble will soon have a friend! Now I wonder what I will call the Partridge Cochin??? Perhaps hubby will have to choose this ones name...hmm now that's worrying!!! :lol:

Be back soon, I don't want to miss a hatch!



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Well hubby has called the Partridge Cochin chick ' Boon'. After someone who used to serve us in the hotel in Thailand!!!! So it's Bumble & Boon!!! :lol: Think this one is also a girl! I have used an old fashioned bird sexing technique that is also used with parrots.... a lot say it's an old wives thing, but the breeder who bred my parents ' Lilly' has never been wrong yet & he's bred loads of parrots!

So we shall see.

Hubby already has a name for ' our' 3rd egg. Cos he says 2 out of 3 aint bad...so you can guess what is going through his mind....Meatloaf! :roll:

Sister has got 2 chicks hatch so far - so she is also very happy! :lol:


Boon has gone in the brooder with Bumble, Bumble was a bit bossy at first, wouldn't let Boon on the blanket. But now it's mothering Boon & picking all the shavings off it. Bless. They are now cuddled up asleep.



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I know, they are truly beautiful! I wouldn't hatch anything that couldn't have a nice caring home, it just wouldn't be fair. Even if I do have any males, at least I will be able to go & visit them & see them wandering on the farm. :D


Bumble has hogged the blanket & Boon is snuggled into a teddy bear. :roll: Left them to go sleep now. I'll post a picture of Boon in the morning when I've uploaded to photobucket & resized.


Fingers crossed for another lickle cutie chick!



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