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Got the Caravan!

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We fetched the very old and very cheap caravan at the weekend, ready for the trip to Mumbles this weekend(R is windsurfingin a big event)

We have not a clue what we're about, and dont have a gas bottle yet..I'm off to the recycle centre tomorrow after work to see what I can find!

The tow hitch cost more than the 'van!! :roll:

Oh did the wiring through the car tho', clever man

Got to be better than a tent tho' .....

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check out your local papers or the free ads for bits and bobs, this time of year there might be some stuff about.


Congratulations on the van. :D I think camping and caravanning is great! in our 1st year not so long ago with the van we went away every weekend!


If you have any technical/caravan questions just ask (and I will ask hubby!! :lol: )

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Congrats on the new van!


the rolling water carrier is well worth the money. Oh, and you will need a bucket. Don't ask me why, but you will need one! :wink:


And a bucket will double as a bin when not in use for whatever Christian is winking about... :D


Have you got an electric hook-up and a fridge yet...?


No, you don't need either really. We have a camper and we are really 'back to basics' - Its lovely going to bed when it gets dark (like chickens)


Or, alternatively, sitting in the candlelight/starlight with a nice glass of wine.


Have fun in your new '2nd home'.

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