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Down in the dumps

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I found out yesterday that I might get made redundant soon and have been feeling pretty low. I must admit that the thought of going to fetch the hens soon is sort of keeping me going. I'm trying to focus on their arrival and not let the threat of losing my job get me down. I'm sure they'll be a welcome distraction whatever the outcome with my job.


So here I am with my new-found family, chatting and getting my mind taken off my troubles.


Lisa :cry:

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Oh im so sorry to hear this.


Im not sure if this is what you need to hear, but have you started looking for another job, its just i find if im worried about something its better to try and sort something out than just waiting.


All the best honey, hope it works out for you x

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I have looked for other jobs but there's not alot at the moment. I should know more at the beginning of next week. I just can't get over the different emotions that I'm going through at the mo. Part of me is scared of the change, the other would relish new challenges. I think its the not knowing that is the worst.


Still, like you're all saying, chin up, the girls are coming soon. Plus lovely hubby to be has just arrived with a choccy eclair that i'm going to enjoy!


Lisa :):(:cry::lol:

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Stay positive!


It is not your fault.


I have been made redundant twice from the only two permanent positions I have ever held. And I have never looked back.


I have been paid off from countless contract positions, but I am yet to experience starting a new job for less cash than the previous one.


It is natural to feel down when someone pulls the rug from under you but with chickens to cheer you up, you will be back, in a new better job with more dosh before you can say 'should that be sweetcorn or raisans?'


Good luck :D:D



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I might just have two eclairs. I went to the doctors last week and he said I've got to put on weight... might need more than 2 eclairs then!


Lisa :lol::lol:


Put on weight? Ooohhh, if only somebody would tell me that!! :wink:


I hope everything sorts itself out for you but as everyone else has said, you are in the right place to get support and your spirits raised.

Have an extra eclair for me!

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Thanks for that Kev! It might not be me that gets the golden handshake, but I'm trying to prepare myself for the worst.


I keep reminding myself that I've got a gorgeous hubbie to be, two beautiful cats, and some little feathery ladies arriving in just over a week!


By the way the pics at the end of your message are brill. I would like an avatar but don't know where to get a pic from. I think an owl would suit me best.



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Thanks for that Kev! It might not be me that gets the golden handshake, but I'm trying to prepare myself for the worst.


I keep reminding myself that I've got a gorgeous hubbie to be, two beautiful cats, and some little feathery ladies arriving in just over a week!


By the way the pics at the end of your message are brill. I would like an avatar but don't know where to get a pic from. I think an owl would suit me best.




I will have a look on tinterweb to see if I can find you a suitable one! don't tell Snowy though. :lol:



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Sorry to hear about your job, your right the not knowing is far worse than the evnt itself.


Your chickens will certainly keep your spirits lifted, and the eclairs are a good start too. You need lots of protein to put on weight, so eggs is good and its eggs on the menu soon for you. :D



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So sorry to hear that redundancy may be looming - that's not a nice feeling.


My husband was made redundant last August, very suddenly without warning but one positive that came out of it was that we used some of his settlement money to buy our eglu and 2 ladies :D:!:


They really have brought us a great deal of happiness and are a brilliant stress buster and although he still hasn't got a permanent job, when he does I'm hoping for a cube :lol::wink::lol:


Hope everything works out for the best for you :)


Lisa P

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