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My little boy's in hospital - asthma?

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My little man (he's only 4) was wheezing really badly last night, so took him to the Dr's this morning and after being put on a nebuliser, they sent him straight to hospital. Well, they're keeping him in overnight, as he's still wheezy (after a dose of steroids and neb every few hrs).


The funny thing is, nearly every child I saw in our little ward was also on a nebuliser!


I blame those beautiful fields of yellow you see everywhere!


Hoping he's home tommorrow. The house is very quiet and lonely without my little boy and my hubby (although I do have the 2 yr old to keep me occupied!!)


night night XX

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Poor you,Sue.

Its horrible having a child in hospital :(


The rape fields are terrible here this year too.They literally surround my youngest daughters school, & she gets horrible hayfever.

She has her SATS next week,& I am wondering how she will cope with itchy eyes & a blocked nose.Her meds help,but make her a bit drowsey....not great when you are sitting an exam :?

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Sorry to hear this. Hope he's back with you very very soon, big hugs.


Mikey has never had hay fever but the rape hit him this year like a truck!


I don't know if you've had chance to think about it but I've heard great things about homoeopathy for this. Just a thought. Local honey is good for mild symptoms or 'the more usual' hay fever effects.


Thinking of you



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Buffie I use honey for this too...not sure if it works, but its lovely anyway!


Sarah, its worth mentioning to your boy's school about the hayfever. If he's got it really bad, they can attach a note to his exam papers stating that he was suffering, and this will be taken into account when marking.

I'm watching all our poor Year 6 (65 of them) do their SATs next week too. Nasty evil things (the SATs, not children) :lol::lol: !


I do so hope your little chap stabilises soon...its so worrying watching somebody have an asthma attack! OH had his first 5 years ago after moving here. His trigger is when they are harvesting the fields of wheat, and he now knows the signs and takes his "puffer" acoordingly, and it is completely under control. Mine is definitely oil seed rape, but not serious: it just makes my face and head ache, like sinisitus.

I hope yours gets sorted soon. Best wishes again!

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Oh, Sue, what a worry for you, poor little chap. Asthma attacks can be so scary for the children. Can I suggest that when he's better you make an appointment with either the hospital outpatients for follow up or with your practice nurse attateched to the GP surgery. Asthma is horrible, but it can be controlled with the right combination of inhalers, and because it's not a static disease the treatment needs to be modified according to circumstances. Self-management is the key, predicted what's happening and keeping one step ahead.... at least.

And, very, very basic, but you'd be amazed how many people, children especially, can't use their inhalers properly, especially when they can't breathe, get a bit panicky and all co-ordination goes out of the window, so just be sure that he has an inhaler that he really can use. I'm sure that was an entirely unnecessary comment, you'll have that one covered I'm sure, but there is a huge range of different inhalers on the market.

Sarah... I hate SATs :twisted: Son's nearly finished his year 9 ones, daughters only done 1 a year early last week, but it does put pressure on them, poor things. But if poor Cleo's sufferring with hayfever it just makes it all much, much worse for her. I agree with Annie, speak to the GP, get a covering note for her in case her exam performance is down because of hayfever symptoms. Have you had anti-histamines prescribed for her? Some of the modern ones aren't as sedating as the old-fashioned ones, but not everyone finds them effective. Could be worth a try though :? Have you considered alternative treatments? I have a friend who does acupuncture for hayfever, only a tiny needle placed in a particular spot between the big toe and the next toe for a couple of minutes and it's amazingly effective.... for some people. Or what about homeopathy? I don't know much about that, but again it does sem to be very effective for some people. If all else fails when the really important exams come up, GCSE's and the like she might need a short course of steroids to get her through without symptoms or drowsiness.... lots of anxieties re steroids, but for important exams and so on they really do work, and a short course if really necessary won't do any harm. Lots of time though to explore the alternatives :D . Good luck with it, and good luck to Cleo for the SATs.

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I hate the SATS too - they seem to heap loads of pressure on little ones that it can't be good :?


I will look into getting a note for her.

Thanks for letting me know about that ,I had no idea.

A lot depends on the weather - if it is rainy & dull then she is a lot better with it.

If they hadn't planeted the darn stuff literally 5 metres from the school gate on one side & running the length of the school, & over the road on the other then she would have been better too :?:?


It does look gorgeous though :P


Any news on your little chap Sue?

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I found the SATs not at all pressuring and rather easy, neither me nor my brother- Myles (did them 2 years ago)- found them hard and a waste of time. Myles is now doing is GCSEs and is not really bothered about them even though they are very important and the tests are in 2 weeks! :?



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