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mooncup . no more tampons and pads!

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well I persevered last week, and although I'm still finding removal a bit difficult, it's much easier - PurpleHen's tip is a good one.


What surprised me was how much LESS messy it is than tampons - I wasn't looking forward to emptying it, but actually it's very very easy. The extra time it allows is fantastic, I was able to sit in a meeting last week without worrying about whether I'd get out in time to go and change. No clutter in the handbag, either - and it's going to be brilliant for camping and walking holidays.


I wish I'd discovered this years ago, and I wish I'd bought one as soon as I read this thread, and not waited several months!


I really recommend it - don't know if it would work for you LadyLucan, but one of the problems I had with tampons was that they dry your skin out a lot - that doesn't happen with this.

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I love my mooncup. I bought it about a year ago and haven't looked back since. It's easier to put it in if you fold it in half and half again (widthways I mean!!) and grip it (tight) with a thumb and forefinger until it's in the right place - sorry if that's too graphic!! To get it out give it a squeeze with your finger and thumb to break the seal before pulling it. Maybe it doesn't suit everybody's anatomy though and I've just been lucky.

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I've used mine for about three or four years now. I had to order mine from America as they weren't in this country at the time. I love it. I have Endometriosis and whilsts it's under control now it wasn't then and the mooncup coped with that where tampons never could. They can be fiddly till you get used to them and I guess as with any thing there will always be some people who they just aren't right for, but it really helped me. For some reason there tends to be less cramping when you use a mooncup rather than tampon and with Endometriosis that's a real plus.

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Well i took the bull by the horns today and went into Boots and bought my Mooncup, am still a bit undecisive about it, but will try anything once,


The only worry i do have is that i am stress incontinent and am waiting to have surgery to correct it, and am wondering if this will interfere with it all.


But i will let you know how it goes. :D

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They only come in two sizes as far as I know, and you can work out that the smaller size is the one intended for women who haven't given birth - but given what you say, I don't know if this would be a problem. :?


It does fold up quite small - tampon size - but obviously it's then meant to open out again once it's inside.

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Just happened across this topic - I'd never heard of a Mooncup before.


Seeing as we're all being very candid (and graphic!) can I ask ...


Does it stay in OK if you're a bit ... how do I put this .... larger than you used to be :oops: (and I don't mean weight!) - I have problems with tampons working their way out and always have to wear pads as well 'cos they always leak.

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During my period this month I decided to get one, couldn't get to a chemist at the time but will buy one for next month. Basically because I am on lighterlife I am drinking 4 litres of water a day and I can now pee for Britian. This meant that I needed to change my tampon about every hour when I dashed to the loo (I always find them uncomfortable when the string gets wet.). I don't bleed heavily and switched to towels which end up in the bin and just look soo disgusting.


Will buy a mooncup before next month.

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  lost-sheep said:
i would like to try too...


...but what would i do at school?? way tooo imbarressing to walk out of the cubicle moon cup in hand and rinse it! :?


...or would they last without me having to worry?


..... i am so very fed up with the messyness of pads (can't trust them) :roll::wink:


they are actually quite large (cup size) and easily last quite some time without having to empty. unless you have a really heavy flow.


plus, because they vare made of rubber, there is no chance of "problems" like TSS if you "forget about it"


hope this helps

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agree - if you don't have a cubicle with a basin, just wipe it out with a bit of loo roll, you don't need to wash it every time.


I leave mine in a lot longer than I would a tampon, because I'm not worried about Toxic Shock - obviously everyone is different, but I'd have thought you would get through a school day without changing it.


It's so great not to have all that fiddling about with bags and finding a bin, not to mention not having a bag full of tampons which always seemed to fall out at inappropriate moments!

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Oh yeah go for the inapproprate moments. I'm always telling kids ot get stuff out of my bag - its my laptop bag. Once I'd chucked some tampax in loose rather than putting them in the zippy pocket cos I'd been in a hurry. I asked a rather lippy 15 year old boy to get my pencil case out of my bag and he reached in and pulled out a tampax - poor boy was soo traumatised you would think he had been bitten by a snake!


Acutally me and the rest of the class rolled around laughing. :lol::lol:

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