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mooncup . no more tampons and pads!

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My fist time with a mooncup . Had good and bad days (will leave out the gory details). Generally a good idea and I'm glad I got it. My 14 yr old daughter wants to try what do anyone else think?


2 exbats

1 1/2 banty

1 rabbit

2 g. pigs

1 14yr old

OH its his birthday today bless!!!

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Well! :shock:


What an eye opener!


It's taken me all afternoon to read this post, :wink: no work done at all!

I'm convinced!


I do want to buy one but I am confused about what size to get.


I am 33 and have not had children. So half of me thinks I need a small one (no kids) half of me thinks I need the larger one (my age)


Any advise?

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I have just been re reading this thread from where I left off back in January. After that post I've had two or three quite light periods-fine by me! However the last two have been really heavy and were in three weeks of each other, which is definitely not a good thing.


Hopefully I will get Mum to book an appointment with the doctor during half term about it as I really can't cope with having such heavy periods as I practically have to dash between lessons to change my pad, which is no fun at all. Also it ruins my week when I do get them and I practically dread having them. I'm keener to get it checked out now thanks to both Claret and Egluntine's posts.

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Liz, my ED is a bit younger than you and she has suffered with heavy periods every 2 - 3 weeks since she was 12 and 1/2. I took her to the doctor and she told her that it can take a good couple of years to settle down. She prescribed mefenamic acid capsules which reduce the bleeding slightly and act as a pain killer and she has found these helpful.


She is not impressed with the idea of having another 30 - 40 years of this :(

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Amazing the topics you can discuss on a chicken website :lol: !


I've been using a mooncup for about 5 1/2 years now and wish I'd discovered them sooner. Like many of you, I use a pad or panty liner for the first couple of nights, so there's no problems if I don't wake up and it leaks, and after that it's plain sailing. Having been properly washed first, mine goes in the dishwasher at the end of my period for a good boil and back in its baggie for next time.


I find it great when travelling, as it needs emptying a whole lot less often than tampons needed changing, and there's no chance of anything embarrassing falling out of your bag at an inappropriate moment!


When I had my second one delivered to work, the reception girls were nosey, so I showed it to them and explained it all etc. Those with daughters all thought it was great and ran off to look at the website. One of the others just said "It's very big, isn't it?" - made me feel like a right Slack Alice! :oops:


One of the best sanitary products around in my view.

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:lol::lol: ... this is one of my favourite topics!


I used to have (many years ago) a diaphragm. I can remember the look of :shock: on my face when the Family Planning nurse produced it ... I'd expected something about the size of a thimble! (For anyone who hasn't seen one, it's something like a small bowler hat and about 3" in diameter).


After that, a mooncup is nothing. Some women have no idea about their own anatomy, sadly.

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Okay, I've been using my mooncup for just over a year now and I can't say that I'm 100% happy. It doesn't matter where I put it, it still leaks. I've tried turning it and giving it a little tug, once it's in position to get a seal, but it still leaks. I've tried it high, I've tried it low (sorry to be graphic) I really want to have confidence in it, but unfortunately, I don't.

If I'm going out for a day I think twice about using it, as finding a loo to mop up the leakage is a real problem.


I shall continue using it at home and at work, in the hope that I have my eureka moment, but at this rate I shall probably going through the menopause before I jump out of the water!!!



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Karen, I must say I have a similar problem to you. For the first few days, I have to wear a pad too and am always paranoid about having access to a toilet (with a sink beside it and preferably not beside other toilets :? ). I have to empty it every 2-3 hours for one day which would make a day out tricky. I'm already working out if I'll need it while we're away on a cycling holiday in Italy. That would not be easy :? . (I think I'm OK :) )


Having said that, once the few heavy days are past, I love it :) . You feel so much cleaner and fresher.

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Karen, I must say I have a similar problem to you. For the first few days, I have to wear a pad too and am always paranoid about having access to a toilet (with a sink beside it and preferably not beside other toilets :? ). I have to empty it every 2-3 hours for one day which would make a day out tricky. I'm already working out if I'll need it while we're away on a cycling holiday in Italy. That would not be easy :? . (I think I'm OK :) )


Having said that, once the few heavy days are past, I love it :) . You feel so much cleaner and fresher.


I have a similar problem ANH and one day I was booked on a course and couldn't access a loo with a sink (I was not going to reception to ask for the key to the disabled loo!) I carried a bottle of water (a refilled evian bottle, with the sport top) in my bag and used that. It did work OK despite my worries. 8)

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Blimey a place I can talk about mooncups & chickens wow!

I've been using one for about 2 years now & wouldn't use anything else.

Luckily mine is ok no matter what mother nature throws at it!

I did end up cutting the stem off completely enabling it to sit at a much better angle and taking away the feeling of being impaled on a bamboo cane!

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:shock: Woah! okay it's in!!!! :lol:


Weird! I'm trying my mooncup for the first time and it's my TOTM so I'm in at the deep end!


:oops: Sorry for the grahic questions, (so look away now if you don't want to read yukky things, mind you, you wouldn't have clicked on this thread if you didn't!


When I tried putting it in, to stop it opening out just 'inside' and to keep it folded, does everyone keep two or three fingers still sround the cup when inserting?


In other words I needed to wash my hands afterwords otherwise it looked like I'd just come out of doing a medical procedure?!!! :lol: Is everyone else the same?


Secondily, we aren't round 'inside' are we, ie we're not the shape that the mooncup is, as it feels like it is sqashed into more of an elipse (sp) shape, does this sound right?!


Thirdly when you use it and you 'let go' of the sides of the cup, do you get a kind of sensation of 'parachute deployed'?!!! :shock: 'flump'! Weird!


I can't feel it inside and I have cut off most of the stem, I hope not to much, as when I tried to get it out the first time, a nasty 'pulling' sensation I paniked a little and couldn't find the end without cutting it off, but I could feel it inside me though!


Fourthly, does it hurt to try and grab it to get it out, I kept pinching myelf with my nails, does this mean I have to cut them short they're not that long, about *gets a ruler* 2-3cm long!


Annd lastly, what possition do people get on with best, I've tried one leg up on the loo seat and sat on the loo, legs akimbo, bent over in the 'straining' posistion!! :lol: The booklet gives a few options but I would like to know how you all 'get on' with it. please help me with my 'few' questions!


I'll keep checking, hopefully by the end of the week I'll be a pro!


:oops: Thanks in advanced!


I really want this to work!

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Love your graphic description :lol::lol: . Just as well we all know each other so well :wink: .


Haven't really considered it, but I think I try to keep it "folded" till it's right in then deploy parachute :lol: . And, yes, I look like an extra from a slasher flick so always consider how far the sink is from the loo :? . (You can use loo paper if you're stuck). This is only an issue for the heavy days, after that you'll be fine :wink: .


Not sure about it being squished, I could probably fit a real parachute "in there" so not a issue for me :oops: .


I've cut off almost all the stem but you soon get the hang of getting it out - a pulling sensation is good, that means you shouldn't get leakage as it's fitting well.


I have short nails so can't answer that point :wink: .


Re position, whatever works in whatever space you're working in :wink: .


Persevere! It's brilliant once you get used to it :D .

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hello and well done :D


it sounds all normal (as normal as we are anyway :D )


I have to sort of roll mine to get it in, and it sort of clicks into place (if you know what I mean)


when taking it out it does pull and I feel that pushing helps (maybe this is getting too graphic :lol: I think i'll stop now)


hope this helps




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Oh thanks everyone!


I just hoped that someone would have answered before I had to try 'take 2'!


I feel a little more confident now having read your thoughts.


It would be so easy just to use the alternative, but I made sure I ran out of tampons and all I have with me is a pany liner and that's not good enough to do the job alone so it's got to work! :!:


Sounds lik I'm doing things okay, just needs practise!

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