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Sheila - how could your parents even think that Carl and I are that couple :shock: - I'm very upset now :?

:lol: No, it's alright Lesley, this conversation was before they had watched it too, so wasn't based on anyone! They have a very complicated recording/watching system, so it could take some time. Then, we can have the same confusing conversation again!

I may have to give back another tape that I borrowed before they lend me this one.

It was about Halley's Comet, a recent event that I thought would be interesting for my young boys. They are now 21 & 23....I think the programme was in the 1980's, and we still haven't had time to sit down together & watch it. :oops::lol:

Perhaps that could be a treat next w/e, The boys would love it! :roll::wink:

Then over to Granny's to watch Location, location. :lol:

PS, Just checked (I had to :oops:) Halley's Comet was March 1986, so I've had the tape for 20 years... :oops::roll:

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