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I have a new......

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We lost dear Rags in February, so it was well time to get our Molly a new friend, so here is.....



Picked up from the NCDL home yesterday: A handsome, ginormous collie x. (his head can sit on our kitchen worktops :shock: ).

He is a super, laid back lad.




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Thanks everyone... I feel like a proud new parent!


Its great to see Molly having fun on her walks again. She is running around and playing: Something she hasn't done for a while.

In the house they just ignore eachother, although still early days and we are feeding separately, as he is a pig. He needs to lose about a stone in weight: :shock: lack of exercise and over fed due to his previous owner being ill and unfortunately dying. He has only been in the dog's home for 3 weeks, so isn't institutionalised and is well comfortable in the home environment.

He is being a superstar: Sleeps on the landing, no whinging. Is well trained, comes back when I call him off the lead and so far has shown a healthy respect for the chickens, horses and donkeys. Has met a few strangers, and although timid at first, is happy to accept my lead and allows them in... then he's on his back wanting a tummy tickle.


Got to start building up the amount of time I leave him for now: He is following me everywhere at present, but I am sure that is just an initial insecurity thing which will pass.

Oh, and I need to stop him getting on the sofa every time I venture outside.... :roll::roll::lol:

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Just thought I'd post an update. Sid is wonderful, really wanting to please and dead keen to learn new tricks.

Here we go............ HOWEVER, he is an absolute monster of a pig. Possibly because I am dieting him, but I suspect he has always been a stomach on sticks, and unfortunately, being rather tall, is having to re-educate me to not leave food out on the worktops or dining room table. :lol:


On Thursday I returned home to a strange mess on the carpet, a kind of sticky light brown mess... no, no, don't worry, nothing too yakky (yet). I followed the trail upstairs only to discover that he had helped himself to, and eaten, a whole bag of wholemeal spelt flour. The mess was a saliva and flour paste, which has stuck beautifully to my carpets. :evil:


That evening he drunk GALLONS of water :lol: and looked very sorry for himself. The following morning it was me feeling sorry for myself as he had me up all night with lovely emissions coming from both ends. I was so mad, and sorely tempted to feed him some dried yeast to see if he could make bread, but resisted. :lol:


He was as right as rain the next day and I was hoping the lesson was maybe learnt, but no, today he decided to help himself to 3 potatoes out of my basket. :roll::D

I love him though!

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I splattered my screen with the 'making bread' comment.


My resscue spaniel Jessie is a bin rummager, she will root out anything tasty in 5 seconds flat and leave the rest everywhere if you let her!


So she's never allowed in the kitchen when we are not at home, cheeky monkey that she is I still adore her. And talking about funny emissions from both ends, we had that with her the other night, she had a dicky tummy and I was fasting her a tiny bit for the day to let it pass through :vom: but she kept parping on my lap.. not the nicest experience in the world. Her tummy's back to normal now thank fully.


Amazes me how they look at you as if to say 'did you do that??' :roll:

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