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Didn't go ahead with wedding!

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Some of you might remember a while ago me agonising about my wedding...well I pulled it last minute :oops:

I just couldn't do it. Wouldn't have been 'our' wedding in the end. I am not regretting the decision either.

An upshot of it is that my OH & I are stronger than ever (never been anything but really) and others are taking us more seriously because of this...we're 30 & 43 so you would have thought that they would have anyway!

We've just spent the bank holiday weekend round campfires with our kids and friends who each of us have never met (like my old friends who have moved away & friends of his came over from Germany). We've had a spectacular time with a great group of people.

This would have been our reception w/e anyway, spent in a very similar way - we just did it without the certificate!

We spent Sunday flying kites and just lazing about in the sun = bliss!

One of my OH's friends from Germany earns his living as a Viking :shock::lol: (does re-enactments) and is a silversmith & leather worker too & had made my OH & I beautiful matching rings which was a total surprise.

Just what the soul needed. My faith has been restored!

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Well I never. I remember your post.


Sounds like you did the right thing for you in the end then.


Congatulations on your non-wedding :D


The rings sound fabulous can you post a pic?


I have a friend who is a silversmith and if I ever need a special ring he will be the one to make it. But not planning on getting married so need another excuse for him to make me something.....

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I like that the 'Non-Wedding'! lol

Thank you everyone. I didn't consider it would have been such a good w/e because it was just a spare bit of time we had to fill. Our actual wedding (the paper bit) was meant to be the 1st August & we were going to have our celebration/reception this bank holiday w/e.

It only dawned on us that we were having our aptly named 'non-wedding' celebration half way through which was made even more real by being given these rings which were meant only as a gift - they mean a whole lot more than he could have imagined. I've taken a pic of my ring & just need to get the brain power to get it uploaded....watch this space!

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It sounds like you both did what was right for you, well done for having the vision to recognise that and the strength and courage to see that the wedding wouldn't be "you" and pulling it. Sounds like you had a fabulous weekend and have a very strong and happy relationship :D

Congratulations :D:D

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I am quite new to omlet so never read your first posts about wedding.

I actually only got married in April and know too well the stresses of the plannning etc. Especially if family troubles are in the mix as well!

Although we had a lovely day there was a sense of 'was that it'!?! For 12 months of agonising and saving I did kinda feel as though, it wasn't really worth all the hassle! It is only just 1 day of you whole lives together. If you love someone and are strong together then it really doesn't matter if you have a ring or a change in surname!

I'm glad that you did what YOU wanted! Good luck and happiness!


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Well done you for having the strength and courage to go against the current of events and do what works best.


I have been in the past both unhappily married and happily unmarried - I'd choose the happy option any time - as long as the love is there who cares about a bit of paper!


And you had the party, which is what people like.


By the way, your friend's jewellery designs are gorgeous!


Best wishes for the future.


Ana :)

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Thank you for all your nice comments. It did take a whole heap of guts to pull it - really scary!

I can't get the blimmin ring/weekend pictures uploaded the software is new & I can't work it!

Here's our friends website anyway...he won't mind the link being put up...




Lovely rings! - I managed to have a look at those but I'm afraid I can't read the green text on black background :(

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