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Have chickens changed your priorities in life?

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A bit of a deep and meaningful question perhaps but I just wondered?


I've had a rough 2008, I'd like to cross the whole year out and do it again, up until the point I got my girls. Everything has changed from that point on, and I think it's because they have made me sit, and think while I watch them. It's the closest I'll ever get to meditation I think.


I've realised that I give 150% to my job and my home life gets the shoddy, snappy tired left over bits, and that just doesn't seem right anymore. I've ended up making myself so ill that I've been off for the past 5 weeks with glandular fever. Normally this would be killing me, as they couldn't possibly cope without me at work, and "Ooops, word censored!"ody will do anything right without me there. Instead I have just relaxed, got better and watched my chickens everyday.


In fact when I go back to work, hopefully on Monday, it will be to temporarily try out a three day contract and see how that suits me. Something that before I would have seen as a failure in myself if I couldn't keep going full time and doing everything, but now I just want to do other things. In fact I have baked for the first time in years, and even made some posts on the "what I've made today" thread.


Sorry for the long post but I would be really interested if getting chickens triggered off thoughts like this in anybody else?

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Sorry you have been feeling so rough. Glandular fever certainly takes its toll.


I know exactly what you mean when you say spending time with he hens is the closest thing to meditation that you have done. I love those quiet half hours pottering about seeing to the hens needs. An important part of the day for me.


I hope the new contract suits you.


I've had quite a bit more work over the last few weeks and it irritates me that it cuts into my hen wrangling and forum time. :D

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I've had quite a bit more work over the last few weeks and it irritates me that it cuts into my hen wrangling and forum time. :D

I keep telling OH he should work from home when I am at work so that the chickens get to freerange every day. He seems to think work is a priority. :shock::wink:

I like if things are rotten you can look out of the window and 3 feathery creatures come running over excited to see you, or follow you round with a running commentary. They keep coming up with new ways of amusing me.


Anyway, in answer to your question: no not in the way you mean, but I buy more organic/ethical/freerange food, cook more and try and be more green. The chickens cheer me up and even if don't feel like doing anything else I will get outside and look after the chickens.

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So much so that in August we upped and moved from Coventry to the Isle of Man. We were back in Coventry and Nottingham this weekend seeing friends/family and Queen in concert.


I don't miss it at all. We only started to think about moving in May and we would both love to have not just our Omlet girls but table birds, bees and a couple of pigs.


My OH thinks Hugh FW is to blame but he also thinks life is great now.

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I'm not sure if they changed my priorities - more like they fitted in with some of them.


But I do like to spend time just watching them and find it very relaxing. They always appear cheerful and busy no matter what the weather.


I just wonder why I didn't get chickens years ago, instead of just thinking about it!



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I'm glad it's not just me they've affected then. I don't think they've changed me just revealed things that got buried along the way. I wanted chickens since I was 8 years old but always got told no, and then you just get caught up in growing up and then modern life. But it's nice to know that the old me was still in there and wanting them, and has finally got them and been made content.

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Like chocchick, I don't think they've changed my priorities as such ... er, hang on - I'm not sure what my priorities in life are, I'm so busy just getting on with the darn thing I never stop to think about where I'm going!


Having chickens has made me 'greener' - only natural products in my garden, thank you - and made me think much more seriously about where food comes from and how it's produced. I'm a lot less wasteful, and eat a lot more organic and local produce.


It's also made me appreciate my garden a lot more. Before, I would hardly go out there between November and March, but I've seen so many beautiful frosty mornings, sunrises, spring bulbs popping up, and so on - and all because of the chickens.

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I know what you mean, mostin. I appreciate the peace the girls bring to me - it is like meditation, in a way. I slow down and just watch. And I too get into the garden more: my OH says if he'd known that I'd be out there he'd have got me hens years ago! I rushed home from work early today because it was a beautiful afternoon and I wanted to spend it with my girls. I chatted to them while I poo picked, I turned over stones and slabs for them to find wormy treats and I couldn't have been more relaxed.


I got the girls when i was off work this summer recovering from an op. I've gone back to work full time and it's thrown me off balance. I start working just two days a week in January and I can't wait! I think since the dog attack on Friday I appreciate the girls even more and realise how lucky I am to still have them!


The girls unite the family too at a time when we're all going in different directions - ED towards university, YD in GCSE years and two x YSs busy with school and sports. We all sit around the dinner table talking chickens!



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Definately :D


As a few others have said it has made me a lot more careful about what we eat and less wasteful in daily life. Before the chickens although I always bought freerange eggs I idn't always buy freerange chicken but now I would rather do without than buy intensively farmed chicken. I also try to buy freerange pork now too, I do however compromise somtimes on ham and chorizo and the like but if there is a freerange alternative I buy it.


We use our garden far more now and I am sure that last winter I was less miserable and less affected by the lack of daylight because I went outdoors more often to see to the girls :D


Having pets is good for you if life isn't going so well because they give you a purpose and something to laugh at. :lol:

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I think a pet of any kind is the best therapy for anyone feeling down or lonely. Such characters. Plus they are always honest and 'live in the now', they have no 'baggage' to offload on you but they don't mind you chatting away your troubles (In exchange for a tasty treat). I love my girls, just wish i had the time to devote to a dog too. I'd love the daily walks to clear my mind. Don't think I could put a lead on a chicken though!

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I no longer stay at work till gone 19.00 - I want to be home to let my hens play out and wish them goodnight :D The cats appreciate seeing a bit more of me too!


Part of the plus of my ladies is that I have seen more of my garden this summer than in the previous 5 years put together. It occurred to me last Sunday, when I was sat outside at 7.00 on a very misty morning, that I could think of no previous occasion when I would have done that - and I really enjoyed the peace and quiet, and watching my ladies toddle round eating breakfast and going to lay their eggs.


I've also spoken to people I'd never really spoken to before, just because I discovered they had chickens, and selling eggs at work has given me a 'way in' to talk to junior members of my staff who were a bit reticent about conversing with their head of service previously. They also introduced me to my new neighbours, who love chickens - how fab is that!:D. They brought me to this forum too - oh dear :lol:


Most of all, the very poor state of my ex-batts when they arrived really made me think about how badly we treat our 'food' animals. Watching them grow and develop showed me how little they really need from humans to keep them happy and fulfilled, and yet we deprive them of that just to get pennies off the food we eat. I have definitely over-compensated and my little monsters are now thoroughly spoiled and living lives of luxury, just to let them know how much I love them :D

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They've changed my life! Not my priorities as such, but they are the source of much artistic inspiration for me!


My current collection of jewellery is based on their exuberance, movement, shapes and lightness. In particular I've found the experience of helping the BHWT inspiring. Freeing all those poor confined hens, and seeing their individuality and uniqueness come shining through is amazing!

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I had wanted them for years (since being about five years old) and was so thrilled when OH bought me the Eglu for Christmas.


Now I spend much more time outside just pottering and watching them enjoy thmeselves. I have re-evaluated my feelings about my job and despite having taken on more responsibility I think I have things better in perspective - my boss was working 7 days a week before she went part time and there is NO WAY on EARTH I will ever do that.


I always tried to think hard about the food I buy, but my resolve is so much firmer now and if the free-range food I want is not available, I will look much harder for an alternative rather than buy the intensively-reared version.


I have chicken-based conversations with complete strangers at checkouts, in the street, and in all sorts of other places, my sons friends are forever coming round to visit the chickens. My sons are now convinced (as opposed to just suspecting) that their mother is crackers. And they like it that way. I have an arrangement where I swap chicken poo for fruit and veg from a friend's allotment - I would never have met this friend if I hadn't had Marj and Daph.


And then there's this forum. Where else can you come for a giggle, a rant, some sound advice, a good nudge towards doing what you knew you ought to have done all along, and a good hug when you need one? If the forum were a real-life place, I would move there tomorrow. You'd all make such wonderful neighbours!

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If the forum were a real-life place, I would move there tomorrow. You'd all make such wonderful neighbours!


Can you imagine all the veg, recipe and advice swapping that would happen over the garden walls? I bet it would be a self sufficient little place. :D

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Daph and Marge:

If the forum were a real-life place, I would move there tomorrow. You'd all make such wonderful neighbours!


I can be quite cranky - you sure about that!??? :D


I hate to quote Gordon Brown, but "in these difficult times" the hens have been terrific - the really bad downs were lifted by the girls laying eggs for the first time. They are also encouraging OH even more to do the Tom Good bit, our target date to move is 3 years, but he would go sooner if he could.

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Daph and Marge:
If the forum were a real-life place, I would move there tomorrow. You'd all make such wonderful neighbours!


I can be quite cranky - you sure about that!??? :D


So can we all!


Friends who love you when you're cranky as well as cheerful are the best ones!



So, anyone got a spare few acres where we can start to build Omletsville?

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Me too!! Where do I sign on the dotted line? Or in this case I think dotty line...


My chickens have made my life complete and as Egluntine said, spending time with them is the closest thing to meditation you can get. They've also brought me great friends. I was pretty sad and lonely just over a year ago, but since I got the girls and joined Omletland, I feel almost like I've been reborn and started afresh.


I wouldn't be without them!! :wink:

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Really nice Omletina :D:D


I am away with work a few nights a week and used to enjoy that. Now I can't stand seeing 3 day trips on my roster as I want to be home more. I could bid for there and back trips every day, but it would mean a 124 mile round trip journey daily, which would drive me mad.


The first thing I do when I get home, is go straight out into the garden and see the girls.


We moved to the country first but had already ordered the eglu (now have 2 :oops::wink: ) I think it does change your life. It makes you think more about food, the environment and the way you live your life. It does for me anyway.


I will always have chickens! :D:D

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I will always have chickens legs! :D:D


Aw, now come on Christian, your legs are lovely! :wink:


Having chickens certainly gives you another slant on life doesn't it? I love my girls and always feel so grateful to them when they give me an egg. Its somehow very humbling to take from them, when they demand so little in return.

An Omlet commune sounds fine to me, with all your cake baking expertise I am not sure how my waistline could cope, but I am sure I am up for the challenge!

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