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Old Speckled Hen

What did you see in the garden today?

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My little Robin is back. :D



Mine put in its first appearance of the year today - it was brass monkeys outside and the garden was full of hungry birds. So far I have seen


1 robin

2 blue tits

2 goldfinches

2 blackbirds

6 house sparrows

3 dunnocks

2 wood pigeons

2 collared doves

2 magpies

2 chickens :wink:



I love feeding the birds - gives me another excuse not to do housework, apart from the forum!

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about ten pheasasnts as well as flocks of blue tits around the seeds; robins trying to nick the hens' food; a nut hatch; two fat woodpigeons; sparrows a woodpecker and lots of chaffinches. Oh, and mum chucked a jug of water at the squirrels emptying the feeder!

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We get the woodpecker only in the winter and my friend has had one already up here.


The birds we feed all year long so you can imagine my food bill for them and I buy 25kg peanut sacks like they were going out of fashion! I also buy the fat squares and feed them from now and the blackbirds love them as do the robins - we have robins all year round and they nest in the garden. Blue tits, dunnocks, siskins, chaffinches, great tits, coal tits, tree creepers, goldfinches and blackies and the robins to name a few - we also had starlings last year but I chased them away.


We get the wee mice running up the trees to pinch the nuts!.


The girls also like to get a look in and rummage under the trees all afternoon and chase the birds from the ground for the peanuts pieces which fall - its their treat!.


They are happier to-day as they are able to free range without getting soaked with hail and snow.

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Robins don't usually go anywhere, they just lose their red colouring and don't sing in summer so they're around but not obvious.....I had a couple of robins in the garden until Ludwig despatched one....I know it's in their nature to catch birds but it's difficult to look grateful when they bring you a robin or wren, or a blue tit....hmmf....

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3 greedy chickens tucking into freshly dug bugs and worms on the allotment. Blackbirds, Robin and lots of house sparrows all enjoying the berries on the cotoneaster (sp??) and blue tits on the honeysuckl. I love watching them out of the kitchen window - another good reason to avoid the ironing :)




Why not do the ironing while watching them! :lol: It makes the time fly past quickly

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Today we had a few. Dunnocks (dodging the girls), a robin, a wren, blackbirds (including Sausage and BB in the front garden), 2 magpies, great tits and lots of long tailed tits - you hear them before you see them, all dodging around the hawthorn trees. A hedgehog left his calling card overnight too. I don't count the pigeons, but since the girls came the numbers have dropped dramatically I am glad to say.

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Fed the birds this morning and so far I have seen;

Robins,House Sparrows, a Dunnock, a Nuthatch, Great Tits, Blue Tits, Long tailed Tits, Collared Doves, Wood Pigeons, a Goldfinch, a Wren, Jackdaws, Rooks ...we have a Rookery next door, Crows, Magpies, Greenfinches, Blackbirds, and after a whole summer's absence, our green Pheasant has come into the garden. He is totally iridescent green. Had to look him up in my bird book. It seems that it is a colour variant though one I hadn't seen till I moved here.He walks about with the hens and they share the grain spilt from the bird table with him.

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and after a whole summer's absence, our green Pheasant has come into the garden. He is totally iridescent green. Had to look him up in my bird book. It seems that it is a colour variant though one I hadn't seen till I moved here.He walks about with the hens and they share the grain spilt from the bird table with him.


Fantastic, that is sooo 8) Do you have any pics of him with your girls?

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