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Guest Penguinmad

What has Hamster Hammond done to his hair?

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He just went off and put that shirt on as some sort of joke. He wasn't wearing it at first.


I think maybe the recorded the Lewis Hamilton segment twice, I know they only record those bits a few days in advance and I gues it wouldt be hard for the producers to slip in the appropriate segment on the day.

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I was thinking that too!


Re the Lewis Hamilton bit; they did two different 'bits' (can't think of a better word for it right now!). One saying congrats for winning, and another saying, well there's always next year. When it first started, I was thinking to myself 'I thought this was always pre-recorded, but maybe its not'. And then I realised.


The lorry driving bit was funny though. Well, maybe not the crashing into a wall. I always close my eyes when they do really daft things like that.

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I agree, what was going on with his hair?


The lorry driving was funny though, especially as Clarkson's went up in flames and Hamond lost the car!!! :lol::lol::lol:


I did love Clarkson's shirt, I'd like to steal it and turn it into my size! Anyone know where I can get one?


I'm so glad they're back! :D:D:D

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